Chapter 14

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While Lenny and Prince were out on the stage for soundcheck, I decided to take a quick nap on the couch in his dressing room. Just I was about to drift off to a peaceful slumber I hear footsteps approaching the door. A few seconds later I heard a light knock. Damn it I just want to sleep! "Come in" I say trying to sound chipper even though I was highly annoyed. The door slowly creeps open and Mayte walks in. "Sorry to disturb you girl. Do you mind if I use the bathroom real quick?"
"Oh it's no problem. It's right through there." I reply pointing towards the back of the dressing room. While she was in the bathroom, I decided to raise up to a sitting position so she wouldn't think I was completely rude. When she comes out she quickly makes her way towards the exit and says "thanks! I drank way to much water watching them. Lenny is a great musician. You must be super proud of his recent success."
"Yeah I sure am. He's amazing."
"Well maybe I'll see you at the show. Will you be sitting in the VIP section?"
"Sometimes I do. Sometimes I sit off to the side of the stage. Sometimes I get right out in the middle of the crowd. I like to watch from various angles. It truly is like watching a completely different show each time when you switch it up a little."
"Never thought about it like that. I know watching the same show night after night can get a little mundane sometimes. Performing the same thing every night sometimes does too but I love it!"
"You can come have a sit." I offer patting the couch cushion beside me.
"That's ok I didn't mean to interrupt you." She says while reading towards the doorknob.
"No it's cool. I haven't really gotten to talk to a woman lately who isn't either in Lenny's entourage or has an accent so thick I have to strain my ears to understand them"
She makes her way over to the couch and plops down. "I know exactly what you mean. I am basically the only girl out on the road when Prince tours. It can get lonely at times. I miss getting to gab with my girlfriends."
"Me too. So how long have you known Prince?"
"Known him? I guess about 3 years. But I've only been dancing with him for about a year or so."
"How old are you?"
"Me too. Barely. I just had my birthday last month."
"Wow and you are already married. That's so awesome! When did y'all get married?"
"In January."
"So definitely still in the newlywed phase."
"Yeah this tour is basically an extended honeymoon. Who else can say they went to Europe for 5 months on their honeymoon?" I joked.
"Lenny is such a sweetheart. But he sounds a little bit like Prince. There really isn't a division between his personal and professional life. He is constantly working...if he's not touring, he is writing and recording, if he's not doing that he's rehearsing."
"Lenny isn't that hardcore. As soon as this tour wraps in mid June he is rushing back home to spend the rest of the summer with his daughter and wants to see her off to kindergarten this fall."
"What a great dad he must be. Are y'all planning on having any kids soon?"
"Well not real soon. We haven't really discussed it. The road ain't no place to start a family. That's what Journey says anyway."
Mayte threw her head back and laughed. "I love Journey! But I agree. It sure isn't! I can't imagine Prince slowing down long enough to have a kid."
"Is that something y'all have discussed?"
"Not even close. I'm not even sure if I'm in a relationship with him."
"What do you mean?"
"He parades me around like I'm his girlfriend but we have never really made things official. And there are these Nona and Carmen chicks that other people have told me are his girlfriends too. So I don't know. He seems to spend the majority of his time with me so I guess I'm the favorite at least if I'm not the only one."
I was appalled by everything she had just said, but I didn't know her from Eve so I decided to keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself. I'm not normally the type to get in someone's business unless they ask for my advice. So I just said something to try to be neutral. "Well maybe he will let you know how he feels soon."
"I hope so" she says while looking down solemnly. I really wanted to get away from this subject quickly so I hopped up and said, "well I've never been to a Prince concert so I will be kicking myself if I don't go watch him jam out a little. You can stay in here if you are tired of watching them."
"You know I'm actually going to take you up on that. Prince rarely sleeps so I never get to take naps. If he asks where I am just act like you don't know." She says while stretching out on the couch. Poor girl. What kind of dickhead doesn't let their girl sleep?
As I was making my way towards the stage I was able to hear the music. I suddenly heard someone absolutely shredding on the guitar. I knew it wasn't Lenny. He was good but I've never heard anything like this. When the stage came into my view, I see Prince standing front and center with Lenny's electric guitar in his hands and going nuts. Damn he sounds good! I could feel my eyes widening and my jaw dropping. About that time he looks up and right at me and smirks while saying into the microphone "Lenny by the look on your wife's face I'm not sure which one I am pleasuring more, her or your guitar. You better come claim them before they would both rather leave with me."
I immediately turn around and storm out. How dare he say such a thing! Especially where the whole arena could hear him. I'm going to kill that arrogant bastard!

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