Chapter 46

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The next day I found Prince and Lenny in the studio and Prince gave me the "ok" nod that he was ready to have the intervention. I felt like I should be the first one to say something so I began, "so babe don't you miss seeing Zoe as often as we used to?"
"Of course. But Jensen can we please have a conversation like this in private? Prince doesn't want to hear our drama."
"Hey man. I don't mind if you don't. Everyone has their demons. I know I have my share of mine..."
"Oh shit! This is a fucking intervention isn't it?!"
"Lenny..." I started.
"You two retards do realize I'm not doing hard drugs right?! I don't need a damn intervention. I am a functioning member of society. If having an intervention is what gives y'all kicks then go walk the streets of LA and help all the crackheads."
"Lenny you may think you function. But not like you used to. You are nothing like the man you used to be..."
"I agree bro. You've changed tremendously since I met you years ago."
"Well maybe being married to Miss Perfect over here changed me. Can never be good enough for her!"
"Hey man don't turn this around on her. You are responsible for your own actions. She got herself clean. You haven't. You need something more intense. There's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Well aren't you two cute? Is that how you spent the last couple days? Talking about how amazing Jensen is for stopping and how much of a loser I am for not. I can stop if I want to. I don't want to."
"But why Lenny? Why don't you want to? I don't think you're a loser and I sure don't think I'm amazing but I feel so much better about myself and life in general since I stopped and I know you will too."
"Ok fine. I'll stop! Alright? But I'm not going to fucking rehab."
"No Lenny. You can't do it on your own. Just let them help you baby."
"No! No rehab. That's for true drug or alcohol addicts. Neither of which I am. I can stop. I promise. I won't do it anymore if it's that important to you."
"It should be important to you too Lenny! I mean are you happy? Truly happy? It's already interfered with your role as a father. What else does it need to affect?"
"Are you threatening to leave me if I don't go? You're going to fucking divorce me if I don't stop smoking a little weed and drinking a little alcohol?!"
"I didn't say that! And it's not a little and you know it."
"Look man I've already checked into it. There is a really good inpatient rehab place an hour from here. They could take you for 90 days. Since it isn't the real hard drugs I think that's all you'll need. You won't be in LA where the media will find out or try to hound you. Nobody will have a clue if you do it here. And Jensen can stay here until classes start back. She can come visit you often and then by the time you're done she won't have been in LA for long and you can go back home." I had no idea Prince had thought that far ahead. I was so thankful he had taken it serious enough to actually have a plan in place bc I sure didn't.
"IF I agree to that, what am I going to do about the rest of my shows and stuff?"
"Just release a statement. Your fans will understand. Be as honest as you want but don't tell them where you are. Jensen if it's alright with you you may just have to hide out in Paisley for the summer so nobody sees you in Minnesota and connects any dots."
"Of course I'll do that. Lenny I'll do whatever you need ok babe? Just please try it. Who knows you might not even have to stay the full 90 days. I know you can do this and Prince and I will be here to support you."
"Fine! Fuck! But if I don't like it I'm leaving!"
Prince went to call and make arrangements. "I'm so proud of you Lenny. You are strong. I know you can do this. You are going to feel so much better."
"I still think it's stupid but I don't want you leaving me me over it. And maybe if I go Lisa will let us have Zoe back half the time again."
"That's right babe. Do it for me. Do it for Zoe. We love you."
"You know that means we aren't going to have sex for the next couple months."
"Lenny don't make excuses. We will survive."
"I'm not trying to make excuses. I'm just stating facts. So if I'm going to do this we better make the most of the time we have left."
"Well come on then!" I say standing up. As soon as Lenny and I make our way to exit the studio, Prince comes back in and says "alright. They said be there at 8:00 tomorrow morning to check in."
"Ok man. Thanks. Now excuse us. You probably won't see us again until the morning."
Prince got a weird look on his face and said "oh ok. Cool. So skipping dinner and everything?"
"Well...not really Ill just be having it in my bedroom tonight." Lenny says with a wink. Prince looks almost pissed and I was embarrassed by this point so I said "Lenny shut up and come on."
"Wait! So do you think you have everything? I can drive you into town if you need to get more shampoo or toothpaste or whatever."
"No man. I'm good. I was packed for a tour so I have plenty of stuff. Thanks though. Soooo....goodnight."
"You aren't going to finish this song first? The inspiration for it might be gone in a couple months you know."
"Dude if I didn't know any better I would think you're cock blocking me here."
"What?! No. Just go. But keep it down I don't want to hear it."
"I make no guarantees man...." I drag Lenny out of the studio and into the bedroom. I had a weird feeling. Almost ashamed that I was about to have sex with my it was wrong or something. I felt even worse when the entire time all I could think about is how I wished it was Prince fucking me and not Lenny. I never thought in my whole life I would be wanting someone other than Lenny to have sex with me. But here I was with my husband, the object of my lust and desire for so many years, and all I could think about was how happy I was that he was going away the following day. I wish I could say it was solely bc I wanted him to get better. But there was a part of me that just wanted him to leave so I can be here...alone...with Prince.

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