Chapter 52

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We started heading to the theatre around 10:00 in one of Prince's fancier cars. The Thunderbird had gotten fixed already but I wasn't about to ask to drive it again, ever. I really needed to go see Lenny again soon, but I hated asking Prince to take time away from his schedule. I need to ask though...maybe tonight when we get back home. It was going to take at least a half hour to get to the theatre and I was really wondering if there would be a showing this late, especially on a weeknight. But I didn't question it. Apparently, he thought it was funny to blast his song "Feel You Up" on the way there.
"Can you please turn this song off?" I ask.
"I'm slightly offended. You know this is me right?"
"Of course I know it's you! Who else would write such a perverted song?"
"Wow. You really are zinging them out tonight. Be nice it's my birthday remember? Plus I was really young when I wrote that. Give me a break."
"Well you are 40 now so quit acting like a horn dog teenager." After I said that he barks and growls in my direction. I start laughing hysterically. "You are acting like a fool that only wants to grab a girl's titty at a movie!"
"Grab a titty?! Girl you haven't been felt up the right way."
"Oh my god. Please just turn the song off and don't ask me about by who and how I've been felt up?"
"That many? And that bad huh?" He joked. I couldn't help but laugh.
"No! And kinda." I say through my laughter.
"Well maybe I can fix that!" He says barking again and biting the air towards me.
"You are such a dork! If people only knew!" I say while holding in my giggles.
"Me? I'm the dork?!" He replies finally turning off the song.
"Yes! You do realize you just barked at me twice."
"Ok Mrs. I do weird things with my hair."
"What in the world are you talking about? You don't like the way I fix my hair? You think it looks dorky?"
"No. I love your hair. Long and dark has always been what I'm attracted to. But I see you while you're reading or watching tv or something and you take strands of your hair and smell it or stick the ends of it and poke around your face. Now that is dorky! Is there something wrong with you?"
He's right I do that. Don't know why. Have done it as long as I can remember. But nobody, ever, has taken notice to my knowledge. At least they've never mentioned it to me.
"No there's nothing wrong with me...that I know of." I say giggling but slightly embarrassed. "I've done it my whole life. But you're the first person who has ever said anything...when have you even seen me do it!?"
"Oh I see and notice all momma. And you do know every room in my house is wired for sound right?"
I immediately tense up and blurt out "are you serious? Why?!"
"So I can record anywhere I want. Why are you so think I've been listening to you or something?" He says with a laugh.
God I hope not! What if he's heard me getting off to him multiple times in my bedroom?! Please no!
"Jensen are you ok? What's got you so worried? What is it you don't want me to hear?"
"IIII don't know like me snoring or singing or something." I lied.
"Don't worry I don't listen in on other people. I could if I wanted to. What else are you doing in that bedroom you don't want me to know about?" He asked curiously.
"Nothing!" I defend myself a little too quickly.
"Ohhhh I get it. No momma I don't listen to you masturbate. I'm not that creepy."
I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me but I decided to do the opposite. "Ok good bc I wouldn't want you to hear the things I say when I'm getting off."
His head looked like it was about to explode and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. "Oh my god! So you actually have been masturbating in there?! You must really be missing Lenny bad." The mention of Lenny's name snapped me back to reality and even though he is not what I think about when I'm pleasuring myself anymore I knew that's how I needed to respond. "Yeah." Is all I said.

A couple minutes later we pull up to the theatre and there isn't any cars in the parking lot.
"Oh no I think they're closed." I say as he pulls into a parking space.
"Yes they are. For everyone except us that is."
"What?! Really?!"
"Yep! It will just be us and a few employees. I do this occasionally. I've thrown parties here before. The staff knows to be discreet and I pay them generously, so you don't have to worry about them telling anyone that you were here."
"Ok good. I mean most people don't know me anyway...but just in case someone did. Wow I've never had a theatre to myself before." I exclaim while getting out of the car.
"Yeah too bad you aren't going to let me get handsy. Being the only people in a theatre can get dangerous."
"I am sure you are talking from experience."
"Maybe...." he says as we walk inside.

We were both on our best behavior during the movie and even though I knew he had only been joking around about it all, I was slightly disappointed that he didn't try to make a move. I wanted him to do something. Even if it was just to hold my hand or put his arm around me. But he didn't do anything. Didn't even put his arm on the back of my seat or touch me in any way. He was a perfect gentleman. And it sucked! I would find myself sometimes not hearing all the dialogue bc I was getting lost in thoughts of what he and I could be doing...I imagined me straddling him in his seat and fucking his brains out, I imagined getting on my knees in front of his chair and taking him in my mouth, I imagined hiking my dress up and putting my feet on the seats in front of me, spreading my legs wide while he went down on me, I imagined it all. I wanted it all. When towards the end of the movie it became apparent he wasn't going to touch me, I focused back on the screen and what was happening. And even though I hadn't paid real close attention I found myself bawling my eyes out when her dad died. Prince looked over at me and asked "are you ok? So you are a crier?"
"Not normally." I say through my sobs. And I really started to wonder if I was crying more bc of the movie or bc of the fact that I felt slightly rejected and stupid.
"I'm sorry I don't have anything to dry your eyes with. Here use my sleeve." He says offering his shirt sleeve.
"No I don't want to ruin your shirt." I respond wiping tears away with my fingers. Suddenly he turns me towards him and begins wiping my face with his thumbs. "I'm sorry this ended up being kind of a bummer movie. I wanted you to have a good time tonight. Not end up crying." He said cradling my face and looking deep in my eyes. Just as I thought he might about to kiss me, the lights flick back on and an employee walks in. He backs away from my face and looks irritated. He stand up and asks "are you ready to leave?"
"Yeah" I respond walking behind him out of the theatre.

Then next I remember, we are in the backseat of his car in the parking lot. I wasn't sure how we got there but we were and we were naked. "Jensen I've been wanting this for so long." He says while tenderly kissing my lips.
"Me too." I respond as he moves his way down to my neck. "I can't stop thinking about you. Please make love to me." With that I slide down to a laying position and he gets on top. He puts his forehead to mine and asks "are you sure? What about Lenny and Mayte?"
"I'm not in love with Lenny anymore. Are you in love with her?"
"No. I haven't been in love with her in a long time." He lifts his head off my mine and moves his mouth down to my ear. "But I am in love with you. I love you so much Jensen." He breaths heavily and begins nibbling my ear and licking the side of my neck.
"Oh god!" I moan out in pleasure. "I love you too Prince." As soon as those words left my mouth, he devoured my lips and kissed me with more passion than I've ever felt in my life. After a couple minutes, I couldn't stand it any longer. "Please baby. I need you inside me. I've never wanted anything more. Don't make me wait another second." He looked at me with love and lust and lined himself up with me. He gave me a soothing smile and started to enter me.
"Oh yeah baby! Oh you feel so good. Don't stop!"
"Deeper! This feel amazing!"
"Jensen we are home! Wake up!"
I jolted awake to see we were back at Paisley. "You fell asleep as soon as we got in the car momma. I guess next time I need to make it an earlier viewing." He joked. "And I think you might have been having a sex dream. I know you're missing Lenny. I'll take you to see him tomorrow ok?"
"Ok." I said. Even though Lenny was the last thing on my mind. Why did he have to wake me up. My dreams were now the only place I could truly have what I want...him.

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