Chapter 55

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I decided to just put Lenny out of my mind until the next time I go visit and see what his mindset is at that time. If he's still wanting to leave, maybe me, Prince, and the therapist can convince him to stay.
A few days later, Prince came and found me one evening while I was watching tv. He looked really happy as he plopped down on the couch next to me. I was glad to see maybe he was coming out of the funk he had mentioned. "So what are we watching?" He asked.
"Well I'm watching 'Everybody Loves Raymond.' Do you ever watch it?"
"Umm no."
"It's really funny. Watch."
"I didn't actually come in here to watch tv..." about that time Frank says something hilarious and Prince cracks up. "Well maybe I will watch for a few minutes." He ended up watching the entire episode and laughed hysterically several times. "Ok momma I'll give it to you. That was pretty funny. What was it called again?"
"'Everybody Loves Raymond.' You've never heard of it?"
"No. I don't watch a whole lot of tv, but that one may be worth my time. Anyway I came in here to tell you something really exciting!"
"What?" I exclaim turning my body and sit facing him Indian style.
"Well I just got off the phone with..."
"No! What the hell?!" He asked with a scowl on his face.
"I don't know. Thought you might be doing a duet together. Wait! Michael Jackson!"
"No. Sorry it wasn't your lover boy."
"Oh damn! That would be a duet for the ages. Oh my god it was Elvis wasn't it??!!"
"Jensen he's been dead for over 20 years!"
"Some people think he's alive. Maybe he has called you to help him make a comeback. Oh my god!!! I'm so excited."
"Are you done?" He says shaking his head but still smiling. "It wasn't anyone famous. Sorry to disappoint you but famous people don't call here that often."
"That's ok I still think you're cool." I say pinching his cheeks. He swats my hands away saying "stop that! Now do you want to know who I was talking to or not?"
"Ok yes I'm ready now." I say calming myself back down.
"It was Mr. Robison, the superintendent from Chanhassen schools. He wants us to come to an open house thing they are doing in a couple weeks, on August 12, to see all the stuff they've already done and purchased with the donation."
"That's so exciting! I can't wait to see what they have done! Wait...Us? It was your money. Did he actually invite me or are you inviting me?"
"Well ummm..."
"What? I know I wasn't invited, but if you want me to go I will. Surely they won't care if I tag along."
"No they won't care. And they may think your my wife. So just play along ok?" He says trying to get up from the sofa.
"Excuse me?!" I say grabbing his arm and bringing him back down to a sitting position. "Why do they think I'm your wife? Maybe they were inviting your actual wife. Mayte will be here by then. Just take her." I say turning back to face the tv and folding my arms across my chest.
"No. Jensen. I'm sorry this is a little embarrassing. When they left my house a few weeks ago after dinner, he mistakenly called you my wife and I didn't correct him. So when he called just now he said 'you and your wife' and I know he meant you."
"Are you sure?"
"Bc he mentioned how much he enjoyed your company at dinner and what a great teacher you will be so he knows this will be something you will enjoy."
" why didn't you correct him. The first time or now?"
"I don't know. I guess I should have. But when he first said it that night I was on a high and I actually felt pride in his mistake. No offense to Mayte. She's a great woman, but I never really felt proud of someone thinking she was my wife."
I could feel myself blushing. I'm not sure anyone has ever said something to me like that. I was speechless.
"Jensen? I'm sorry. I'll call him back and correct the mistake. Or tell him you can't attend if you are weirded out now."
"No. I'm not weirded out. I am really flattered. I haven't heard anything that nice in a long time...maybe ever. Thank you. And I would love to go with you." 
We both went in for a hug at the same time and I've never felt fireworks from just a hug but I did from this one. Neither one of us let go for awhile. I was taking in his scent. He smelled amazing! I let out a moan accidentally as I exhaled and he brought me back to look at him. This is it I thought. We are finally going to kiss. "Jensen I really want to tell you something. Lately I've been feeling..." before he could finish, the phone started ringing.
"Are you going to get that?" I asked.
"No. Even if it's Elvis, what I want to say is way more important than that."
I start giggling "wow! It must be super important."
He smiles nervously and says "it is momma. And it could change a lot of things. Jensen I have begun to have..."
"Prince! Are you there?! Pick up please. It's Mayte. I decided to come back early. Can you come pick me up at the airport? I can't wait to see you baby." The answering machine blared her message. He put his head down and looked back up with what looked like tears in his eyes.
"Fuck! Jensen I'm sorry. I guess I need to go get her. But I want to have this conversation soon, ok?"
"Ok sure." I say trying to sound like I wasn't crushed. He kissed me on the cheek and was out the door. I didn't know what to feel about Mayte coming. I was probably more nervous than excited. I hate to admit it but I'll be devastated if they reconcile. It was wrong to feel that way, but it was the truth. I don't think they will though. He sounded pretty positive  when he told me he wanted the divorce, assuring me there was no chance left for them. And maybe it is just wishful thinking but I think he was about to confess feelings for me before the damn phone rang. I feel confident that he will tell her he wants the divorce and proceed with it. And if he does confess any feelings for me, I am vowing now that I will drive to the rehabilitation center myself and end it with Lenny. I am ready to take that step.

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