Chapter 57

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I don't think I ever slept as well as I did that night. I felt light as a feather...worry free. Sure I felt bad for Prince and Mayte and all the things they will have to work out. And I did slightly get nervous thinking about how I'm going to break it to Lenny. But I was in such a state of euphoria I really didn't care. The next day I laid in bed as long as possible and then got up and took a shower, scurried to the kitchen to grab something to eat and took it back to the bedroom. I read most of the early afternoon. Around 2:30 I heard a knock at my door. "Jensen want to work out? I need it!" I rush to open the door and saw Prince standing there looking exhausted and flustered. "Hey how's it going?" I asked.
"Slowly. I'll tell you more about it at the gym. You up for it?"
"Of course. I'll meet you there in 5." When I arrived in the gym a few minutes later, the treadmill and elliptical were next to each other. "Why did you move them? I thought you enjoyed looking at my ass." I joked.
"Oh I do momma! And I know you enjoy looking at mine. But today I need to vent so you're up here with me." I hop on the treadmill and he gets on the elliptical. "Ok so spill it. What's happened so far?"
"Well we have only been going over paperwork and details for the last 2 hours bc it took me the first 2 hours to convince her it was really happening and there was nothing she could do or say to change my mind."
"But she is ok with that now?"
"I don't know that she's ok with it but she knows she doesn't have a choice. She either has a part in the details or she can keep her head buried in the sand and get to have no say in it."
"So what's taking so long?"
"Jensen when you have as much stuff and money as I do, there is a lot of shit to sort out."
"Well you told her she could have the Spain house and everything in it and that you will give her a large chunk of money to live on. What else does she want?"
"Have you ever met Mayte? She wants to be able to have shopping sprees everyday and housecleaners and cooks and gardeners and everything she got accustomed to while living with me. I knew that's what it really boiled down to. She doesn't want to give up the lifestyle."
"Wow. I really thought better of her. I hope she knows those things won't bring her happiness."
"She should know that. It didn't bring us much..."
"What are you two doing in here?" I heard Mayte's voice as she entered the gym.
"Oh hey." I say nonchalantly hoping she hasn't overheard us. "We are working out. Do you want to join us?"
"Well I might but looks like you have on my workout clothes. And I have a feeling I won't find the rest in my dresser will I?"
"Mayte I'm sorry. They are in my bedroom if you want to go get them. I just didn't have anything to exercise in..."
"Your bedroom? Wow you've really made yourself quite a home."
"I didn't mean my bedroom. I just meant the bedroom I've been staying in." I felt so weak like I was bowing down to her but I didn't want to make her mad, for Prince's sake anyway. I didn't want her to take anything out on him.
"No it's ok you can have them. I don't wear used clothes. I'll let you two finish up here. Prince how much longer? I really need to get back to Spain tomorrow so I would like to finish this up tonight if possible."
"Give me like 30 more minutes. And I want to finish it too. Believe me." She starts to leave the room and I give Prince the "holy shit" face. She turns before she leaves and asks "so how long have y'all been fucking?"
"What?! Mayte we haven't had sex! You've lost your damn mind." Prince exclaims.
"Don't give me that bullshit! I see the way y'all look at each other. Does Lenny know?"
"Mayte there is nothing to tell Lenny bc nothing is going on. We are just friends. That's all. I promise." I plead with her. Shit! This isn't going to be as smooth as I was hoping. Now she's going to think we were having an affair this whole time when we do make it official.
"Awe damn!" She exclaims with a laugh. "If you were I would be able to get millions out of Prince." And she turns and walks out of the room.
"What the fuck was that?!" I exclaim turning off my machine and getting off. I suddenly was in no mood to work out, even with Prince.
"I don't know. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is what I like to call it. Do you see now why I say there is no chance for reconciliation? She's fucking bipolar or some shit."
"That was bizarre. And sadly I think you were right. I think all she cares about is the money. Just freaking give her what she wants and cut her loose. She's kinda scary."
"It's not that simple Jensen. I wish it was momma. But it's not. I still have to be able to afford my own bills and endeavors. She can't have it all. I worked hard for what I have."
"I know. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."
"Stop apologizing! Maybe I need to start spanking you every time you say it. Is that what I need to do?" He asks while pulling me closer.
I start giggling and respond "maybe..."
"Ug I need to get back in there. Now she will probably try to work the affair, with anyone, angle to try to milk more money. This is going to last all night I just know it. So I probably won't see you again until tomorrow. But Jensen promise me something ok?"
"Of course. Anything What is it?"
"Meet me in the kitchen tomorrow morning. Maybe around 10:00?"
"Ok sure. Well good luck."
"Thanks momma. Have a good night. Sleep tight." He says giving me a quick hug and jetting out the door.
I stayed in my bedroom the entire evening and read my book until I finished it. Around midnight I thought I heard footsteps making their way towards Prince's bedroom and I heard the door close. I figured it was finally over. Hopefully they had come to some sort of agreement that he could live with. I laid there for awhile trying to go to sleep, but I was too eager for the morning. It was like trying to fall asleep on Christmas Eve. Just damn near impossible. After about an hour, I get up and decide to go to his bedroom. I wanted to know what happened and I want to hear what he was going to tell me. I can't wait any longer. I quietly open my door and slowly walk towards his bedroom. I didn't want Mayte to catch me or she would for sure think we were having an affair. As I got closer to his bedroom door I thought I heard crying. And it sounded like a woman. Shit! I guess Mayte is in there with him crying! I was just about to head back towards my bedroom when I heard a loud moan. Ok that definitely wasn't crying. I approach his bedroom door until I'm right outside of it and press my ear to the door. It didn't take long before I heard another moan and then another. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening. I couldn't hear him so they may not be having sex, but she's getting pleasured in some way. I could feel the hot tears starting to run down my face. Wait! Before I completely lose it maybe there is a logical explanation. Maybe he's not in there. I turn and start making my way through the house. I search for at least 30 minutes and never find him. So I had to come to the realization that he was in his bedroom with her. Which means he was the one pleasuring her. I run to my bedroom and crumble into my pillow sobbing. That motherfucker! He is so full of shit! I can't believe I trusted all the things he was telling me. Mayte got her man back. Congratulations! I don't want him now anyway. He's all yours!

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