Chapter 22

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October 1994
Mayte and the man had been in town for a couple weeks and we saw them most everyday at least for a few hours. It was safe to say we were all growing closer. The week Zoe stayed with us when they were around she followed her "uncle" around gabbing his ear off about school and anything else. I would try to persuade her to leave him alone for at least a few minutes but Prince would always just say "she's alright. She just finds me fascinating like all girls do." I rolled my eyes but deep down I thought he was utterly adorable with her. It was definitely a side of himself I had never seen before or it was never there until now. I have to admit it made him a thousand times more likeable. Mayte and Prince would spend a lot of time rehearsing but when they weren't doing that, she and I would do things like go shopping on Rodeo Drive or catch a chick flick. While we were out, the man and Lenny were constantly in the studio. Virgin Records was breathing down Lennys back to get another record out by next year so the man was helping him since he was a master of cranking albums out quickly. One day while taking a lunch break from shopping Mayte says "so how did you know Lenny was the one?"
"Oh geez I've known that since I was like 10 or before."
"It is so adorable that you've known him your whole life. Your parents were best friends. It really was destined to be!"
"I like to think so."
"Do you think the man is your destiny?"
"I hope so. I'm in love but I'm not sure if he is. He's never said it to me but I truly think I'm the only woman he's with now. I know something has changed in the last few months."
"What do you mean?"
"He just looks at me differently than he did before. I mean he's always looked at me like he was about to fuck me at any given second but every since y'all came to Paisley back in June I swear he's more loving towards me. There actually is some tenderness when we have sex. Not every time of course but a lot of times."
"That's great Mayte. Men are silly like that. Lenny left me for 6 months with no contact and then showed up saying he loved me. Just be patient with him. I bet he feels it. He just doesn't know how to express it yet."
"I hope you're right girl. I could really see myself marrying him one day. And after seeing him with Zoe I am sure he would be a great father."
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I agree. He is really sweet with her. He reminds me of Lenny when it comes to her."
"So have you and Lenny spoken anymore about having kids?"
"Yeah. I mean I stopped taking the pill as soon as we got back to LA in June. We will mention it in joking like 'let's go make a baby' but we haven't been calculating things or anything like that. I know it sometimes takes awhile for the pills to get out of your system so I haven't given it a whole lot of serious thought yet. It will happen when it happens. I'm not in a huge rush. I've got the rest of my life with him and we are both still young."
A couple hours later we return to the mans house to find Lenny and the man jamming out with Lenny on the drums and the man on the guitar. "Are you two actually working or just playing around?" I asked with a smile. "Is there really a difference?" the man asked. "Geez babe did you leave any clothes in the store?" He says to Mayte. "I'm going to have to put you on a budget! You are going to send me into bankruptcy!"
"They aren't all mine. Some of them are Jensen's bags."
"1, 2 , have 18 bags! How many of them belong to you Jensen?" He asked.
"Um this one does." I reply holding up a Macy's bag.
"One! Only one bag is yours?! That means 17 are yours Mayte?"
"You're really good at math baby. Have I ever told you that?" She says and Lenny does a "ba dum chhh" on the drums and I whip my head around and shoot him a look like "not now baby!" He is doubled over the drum set and laughing. "Listen you are the one that always wants me to dress to the nines so I have to buy things to keep up with the latest fashion trends and stuff."
"Well I think Lenny and I are going to head home." I interject trying to leave so we don't have to witness their forthcoming argument. "No way I want to watch this!" Lenny says. I shoot him the same look as before.
"I think we have all just been cooped up in our houses too long. How about we go out to a club or something tonight?" Mayte suggests trying to avoid any further wrath.
"I don't know girl I am not the best dancer and I don't have anything in my wardrobe to wear to a club." I say beginning to feel nervous. Clubs are way outside my comfort zone. I've really only been to one once and I swore I would never go again.
"Well I think Mayte has you covered! Surely there is something in one of her million bags you could put on." The man says while strumming his guitar. "I actually think that's a great idea. What do you say Lenny? Let's take our women out on the town tonight and make all the men in LA jealous!"
"I'm in bro!" Lenny says. "Yay!" Mayte says while clapping her hands. "Come on girl! You can wear one of my new dresses." She says while dragging me towards the bedroom.

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