Chapter 30

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"You don't have to do that I can drive myself."
"I know I haven't always been the perfect gentleman but there is no way I'm letting you leave, in this state, by yourself. I wouldn't feel right about it." Prince says while helping me sit up. Mayte returns with the water and I gulp it down in one breath. "Baby I'm going to take Jensen to the hospice house. Do you want to ride with us?"
"No I'm beat from our performance and a bit jet lagged. I'm going to hit the sack. Jensen tell Lenny I'm so sorry! We are here for you guys."
"Thanks girl. Sorry to ruin our happy evening. I'll call you tomorrow."

On the car ride I couldn't get Lenny's words out of my head. He is going to hold so much resentment towards me for not being there. I should have just gone there when I left the show. Or at least gone back home where he could have reached me. I can't believe I missed saying goodbye. She is like a second mom to me. Always has been. I'll never forgive myself for not seeing her pass from this world or being by Lenny's side when she did.
"Jensen are you alright over there? I'm not sure I know where I'm going."
"It's still like 20 miles away. I'll show you the exit. I just can't believe she's gone. I'm going to miss her so much. She was the best!"
"You will be ok. You're a strong woman. Lenny is going to need you now more than ever though. Take care of my brother."
"I'll try. I've been trying. I just feel like everything is falling apart."
"I know it may seem that way now but you will weather the storm. You and Lenny have one of the strongest bonds I've ever seen."
"I thought we did too. I just don't know anymore. He hasn't been the same since June. I'm not sure he will ever be who he used to be and that kills me."
"He will momma. Just give it time. Be patient with him. Grief can be real tricky and it can last a long time. I imagine as close as Lenny was with his mom that his grief process might be a lengthy one. Just try to cling to what you had and try to get back to it somehow."
"I just hope he wants that. That he still wants me. He has just been so closed off from me for months. I can't even remember the last time we had sex." I say with a laugh trying to break up some of the heaviness of the conversation.
"Lenny is my brother and all but he is a fool if he doesn't come back around to you. I think he will. He will eventually remember how good he has it. And if for some reason he doesn't let me know and I'll kick his ass!"
I laugh and say "thanks Prince. You really are an amazing friend. I don't think I've ever told you that but you are. I can see why Lenny wanted you in our lives. I thought he was crazy there for awhile."
"Are you saying you didn't like me at one point? I never noticed." He says sarcastically.
"I don't think I can say I truly liked you until that night at The Dragonfly. That was probably when you made it onto my tolerable list."
"Oh really? That soon huh? I don't think I did that for you until I saw you nude. Then I put you at the top of my good list."
"You are such a pervert!" I say while lightly punching his shoulder. "Why do you always have to make things awkward?
"I'm sorry momma. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. You are just one of my favorite people to tease. I like to watch you squirm."
"Well you are going to be a married man soon you know? You are going to have to cool it with all that."
"I know, I know. I will have to adjust to the whole being married thing. But it's time. I know you aren't going to believe this but I'm pushing 40."
"Geez you're old!" This time I was the one who received a light punch.
"37 isn't old! Anyway! I am actually looking forward to this season in my life. I just hope I can stick with the monogamy thing. It's never been my strong suit."
"I hope you can too or I'll be the one kicking your ass. You better not hurt Mayte!"
"Calm down now. I have no plans to hurt her. I've had many women in my day and she's the only one I've truly ever considered marrying."
"Haven't you been engaged a couple times?"
"Who told you that?!"
"I know how to read."
"Well don't believe everything you read. Especially about me."
"So you weren't ever engaged before?"
"Who do you think I've been engaged to?"
"Wendy's twin and Sheila E?"
"Shit! Ok yeah I was. But I was really young both times and just asked them both on the fly. Never really meant it. I never even had a ring for Sheila. It was something I just blurted out during a show. And then went along with it for a few months because she was so excited."
"Well the way you proposed to Mayte sounded well thought out and romantic. I hope you are serious this time."
"I am. I really am. I want to be a one woman man deep down. I really always have, I just couldn't pass up the rock star ways in my younger days. I want to have a family too and I don't want to do that with just some random person."
"Well I truly wish you two the best. I have a really good feeling about it. did you propose to Wendy's twin...Susan right?"
"Susannah. Oh hmmm let me think. That's going way back! I don't remember" he says sheepishly.
"I think you do! What was it more romantic than Maytes and you're afraid I'll tell her or something? I promise I won't."
"Definitely not more romantic! But still don't tell her bc she will still probably get mad. I asked her during sex."
"Oh my god!" I say doubling over with laughter. "She must have been great in bed."
"Shut up! I don't know what I was thinking. I just screamed it after I came one time. She did get a ring though."
"Wow. Just wow."
"Don't judge me. I've changed my ways anyway. I'm not the same guy. I've matured. I'm ready for this next step."
"Oh shoot! Get over the exit is right up there."
About 3 minutes later we pull into the parking lot.
"Well thanks for the ride. And thanks for taking my mind off of it. Even if it was just for a few minutes. I really do appreciate your and Maytes friendship. I would be even more lost right now if I didn't have y'all to lean on."
"We are here for you and Lenny. I truly mean that. Whatever y'all need. Maybe y'all can come back to Paisley soon and get away from it all for a little while."
"That would be great. Well I better get in there before I piss him off any further. God I don't want to do this!" I say taking a deep breath in and closing my eyes preparing myself. Suddenly I feel Princes hand tenderly rubbing up and down my arm. I open my eyes and look at him. I feel a sudden rush pass through me and he pulls me in for a tight hug. Right before we were about to break the embrace I hear a banging on his window.

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