Chapter 21

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The rest of the summer was perfection. We got to have Zoe almost 100% of the time. We took numerous trips to the park, the beach, and anywhere else we could find that we thought she might like. The one and only downfall was we couldn't just take each other anytime the moment struck one of us. We got a little spoiled in Europe to being able to make love anytime and anywhere. It mostly just became a night time activity once she was sound asleep. Sometimes if she was really engrossed in a tv show or movie we could sneak a quickie in. No matter when or where we did it though we had to control our volume. We would sometimes torture each other seeing how much we could take while still staying semi quiet. Sometimes though I just wanted to be able to scream out my cries of passion as loud as I wanted. We were interrupted a few nights when she would come creeping to our bedroom door because she heard a noise or had a bad dream. Normally we could convince her to get back in her own bed so we could continue our romp, but a couple nights she ended up right between us and Lenny would look at me with apologetic eyes. I didn't mind though. Just add it to the list of my seemingly perfect little life.
In mid August Zoe started school and we couldn't have asked for it to go any smoother. She had a great teacher and was eager to go each morning. Once school started we went back to splitting time with Lisa. Even though legally Lenny only had visitation, we normally would keep her for a full week and then Lisa kept her for a full week. Lenny and I had discussed it and I decided to put school on hold indefinitely. Not only were we planning on starting a family but we wanted to have the luxury of me being able to go with Lenny to his shows and on his mini tours. A few weeks into the school year, our house phone rings one evening as I was preparing dinner. I grabbed the phone in the kitchen...
"Hey girl! It's Mayte. How you been?"
"Oh hey. I'm great. How are you?"
"Good. He wanted me to call and see if you and Lenny will be busy the next few weeks."
"Few weeks?! Well I mean we have Zoe every other week and just other general life stuff I guess. Why?"
"Well he wants to do a few shows out in LA and record there for awhile. He has a house out there and said he's ready to get away from Minneapolis for awhile and live there."
"By he I assume we are talking about Prince?"
"Yeah. Well you know that's not his name anymore right?"
"So what are you calling him?"
"To his face I will just say "baby" or some other term of endearment but when I'm referring to him the best I have come up with is 'he.' Most people know who I'm talking about."
"Well what should we call him now?"
"Man, dude, bro, sir. Those are what other people are using."
"I'm not calling him sir. I guess I'll figure something. I can't wait to see you again. You are accompanying him right?"
"Yeah of course. I am part of his shows remember?"
"Cool. When we y'all be arriving?"
"Next week. I'll call you when we land. I gotta go girl he is wanting to rehearse!"
"Ok. Bye. And good luck" I giggle as I reach to hang the phone up. As soon as I put it back on the receiver I feel a pair of muscular arms snake around my waist. "Who are you being a chatty Kathy with tonight?" Lenny asked while trailing wet kisses down my neck.
"Oh yeah. What did she want?" He asked while dragging the spaghetti strap of my shirt down my arm and moving his lips across my shoulder.
"Apparently her and the man are coming to LA for a few weeks."
"The man?"
"Yeah I don't know what to call him. Damn baby you're going to make me burn dinner if you don't stop."
"I thought you liked to eat it when it's black."
"Just my man. Not my food."
Lenny threw his head back and laughed. "Well you know I'm just as much white as I am black."
"You're perfect is what you are. But you'll be my dessert. Not my main course so stop." I say while swatting him away.

Five days later, Mayte and the man were on their way to our house. "So who is coming again I forgot their names?" Zoe asked me while practicing writing her letters at the kitchen table. "Mayte and the guy doesn't have a name" Lenny responded. "How can someone not have a name daddy? Did his momma forget to give him one?"  Lenny and I both chuckled. "No baby he had one he just decided to change it"
"To what?"
"Well that's the hard part. It is just a symbol. You can't say it."
"That's dumb! What did he do that for?"
"Listen young lady. You better use your manners or you will be spending the rest of the evening in your room and go to bed early. It is complicated. Just wait to see what he tells us to call him ok? And don't say it's dumb or stupid or anything like that. Do you understand me?"
"Yes sir. I'm sorry dad."
Suddenly the sound of our doorbell echoed off the walls. Lenny went to answer it while I helped Zoe with the letter S.  A few seconds later the three of them walked into the dining room to greet us. "Hey guys" I say while rising to my feet and giving Mayte a hug. "Glad you had a safe trip. How have y'all been?"
"The plane ride was a little bumpy but we made it." Mayte says and then looks down at Zoe. "Well hello gorgeous. You must be Zoe?"
"Yes ma'am and you must be Mighty."
Mayte giggles and responds "hey you actually say it better than a lot of grown ups. It's actually 'My tay'"
"Oh I'm sorry. Mayte" Zoe tries saying it slowly.
"You got it! Perfect!"
"That starts with a M! I'm in kindergarten you know? I know all about the alphabet sounds."
"Dang! She can already spell better than me." Prince chimes in. "And you are?" Zoe says looking directly at Prince. "Hello little lady I'm this" he said pointing to the symbol on his necklace. "Well hi this" Zoe says touching his necklace. "She's a hoot! I've got to get me one of her!" Prince said. "How would you like to be in one of my shows someday?"
"Over my dead body!" Lenny chimes in. Prince snorts and says "so Zoe would you like me to show you how to write my name?"
"Yeah!" She says reaching for a purple crayon.
"Oh my god. I think this might be my kid. Lenny are you sure she's yours?" Prince says while sitting down at the table with Zoe.
"You are already about to wear our your welcome man" Lenny says while giving him the death stare.
After several attempts Zoe was finally able to produce the symbol on her own. "That's awesome! Great job little momma." Prince says standing up. "So what should I call you?" Zoe asked him. "How about Uncle?" Prince says and kisses her cheek.

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