Chapter 35

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Whisky dick. You can't put a baby in someone when you have fucking whisky dick! As soon as Lenny and I made it back to the bedroom I began stripping off my clothes and asked him to put the necklace on me. He obliged and turned my nude body back around and moaned "God you look hot! I've missed you."
"I've missed you too baby. I love you so much. I just want our life back."
"'Me too baby. I'm sorry. I know I've been a shitty husband. I promise it stops now. No more pot. No more alcohol. Your pussy will be my therapy."
"Honey you don't have to stop drinking altogether. Just be smart about it. So were you serious about a baby? Do you still want that with me?"
"Of course Jen. I never stopped wanting it. I just got so overwhelmed with my mom's illness and her death I just couldn't see passed it to anything else. But being here this week I remembered what is in important to me. I can't bring my mom back but I can't let my sadness cause me to lose you too."
"Baby I want you. Take me now. Let's start our family."
He quickly got undressed and we laid down in the bed and he started kissing my neck. He slowly moved down to my breasts and gave them more attention than he has in months. The familiar feeling of his tongue ring brought back all the emotions of months ago and I so easily slipped back into them. I wanted him. Only him. I wanted his baby. He stopped and gazed into my eyes and entered me. The euphoria I felt from the sensation of him thrusting me paired with the feeling of getting my husband back was breathtaking. For awhile. Then about 5 minutes into it I noticed he was slowing down. "What's wrong? Do you want to change positions?"
"No. Hold on just give me a minute." It was then that I realized he didn't feel as hard in me. I tried to brush it off and started rubbing his back and leaving wet kisses on his chest and shoulders. He started to pick up the pace again and I threw my head back onto the pillow and moaned. Two minutes later he was back to a crawl. This went on for almost an hour before he finally pulls out and says "I guess I just had too much to drink tonight. I'm sorry baby. Some other night." And he turned over and went directly to sleep.
The next 6 weeks back in LA were just a rerun of everything before the wedding. He still was smoking weed and drinking just as much. He was at least able to perform most times we tried and I had hopes of being pregnant but those were dashed when I started my period. We flew back to Paisley soon after to spend time with Prince and Mayte. We hadn't seen them since the wedding and I was anxious to see the wedding photos and here about the honeymoon trip. They went to Australia. Somewhere I had never been and was dying to go.
Mayte showed me lots of pictures she had taken and told me so many stories. That envious feeling was starting to rise again until she told me that Prince being Prince couldn't completely step out of musician mode and had written a song while on their honeymoon. At least I can say Lenny didn't let anything interfere the first weeks after we were married. "Seriously girl?! He couldn't just wait to get home to write a song."
"He says when a song hits him he has to get it out or he can't focus or sleep. Plus he said he was extra inspired with this song."
"What was it about?"
"I'll let you hear it. Come on."
She led me into the studio and played it for me.

Fuck! Envy back full fledged. I felt like I was going to cum right there in the studio chair. When the song was over, I smiled and said "wow sounds like he is ready to start a family with you. He really has come a long way."
"Yeah. It's all he could talk about the whole honeymoon and since we got back. He has even started talking about baby names, where to put the nursery, what school he wants them to go to..."
"Whoa! Never knew men could get baby fever like that. That's actually pretty adorable. But Mayte you know it may not happen right away. I don't want him...or get so wrapped up in it that you forget to enjoy being newlyweds."
"Jensen...I'm pregnant!"

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