Chapter 41

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As much as I was loving being back at school, after that night in March, I just wanted the semester to be over so I could see Mayte and Prince. I thought about calling her, but I wanted to apologize and say everything I wanted to say in person. After all this time, what was a couple more months? When Lenny got back from Europe in May, dI truly was excited to see him. I had missed him. Even though I wasn't sure how much I was actually still in love with him, I did love him. He had always been a part of my life and I knew that would never change. I was hoping with my new outlook on life and our friends returning to the picture that maybe Lenny and I would finally get out of the rut we had been in for the last couple years. After he had been home for a couple hours I said "so I'm finished with classes soon. Finals are in 2 weeks. Let's set up a time to meet with Prince and Mayte."
"I've been gone for 3 months and that's all you care about." He said while poking my side.
"Ow! Stop! You know I hate that. I'm just really excited to see them. When's the last time you talked to him?"
"That night."
"What?! You haven't heard from him since March?" My heard sunk.
"No. That's Prince. He just comes and goes. He will pop up again eventually. He is like a damn wizard."
"Well I don't want to wait for that. Call him. Please. See if they want to come here."
"Ok. But not right now. Right now I have better things I want to do."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"You! That's what!" He says while throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to the bedroom.

Even though he took me to the room and brought me to ecstasy, the bliss didn't last long when he got up from the bed to go light a joint. I don't know what I thought. Like going on tour was going to help him stop drinking and doing drugs. Yeah right! I, as usual, just brushed it under the rug not wanting to have a fight his first night back in 3 months.

Lenny finally called Prince later that week and made arrangements to all get together at the beginning of June when Lenny had a couple shows in Minneapolis. I was so excited I barely could concentrate during finals week. I pulled it out though and had a sold 4.0 for the semester and enrolled in classes for the fall.
We arrived at Paisley on June 10. It had been literally 2 long years since I had laid eyes on this place. It hadn't really changed from the outside though. Little did I know that what I would find on the inside had changed immensely since I had last been there. And I don't mean just the decor.

I knew I probably couldn't expect to be greeted with the tight hug from Mayte, but I didn't expect her to not be there at all. Prince said she was in Spain and would be there the following day. I was really disappointed but I thought I could at least try my apology on Prince first. After the three of us chit chatted about nothing of real importance for awhile, I finally spoke up when Lenny left to go to the bathroom. "So Prince I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am about what transpired last time we were here. Not that it is an excuse but I was in a really dark place at that time and after getting high I said a lot of things I shouldn't have said to you and Mayte. And I've regretted it everyday for the last two years. I have missed y'all immensely."
"It's ok momma. I said some awful things too. But I really don't want to rehash it. If I was still angry you wouldn't be here right now. Let's just move forward."
"Ok. I would love that. I can't wait to see Mayte. I hope she is as forgiving as you."
"Who knows! Anyway you look really good Jensen. College suits you I guess."
I wasn't sure quite what to make of his comment about Mayte but I decided to let it go and just wait to talk to her. "Thanks. You look good too. I like the long hair."
"Really? I didn't think you were into long haired guys the way you had no problem cutting Lenny's dreads off that time."
I laugh and say "did you even hear the story behind why I really did that?"
"It was his punishment for making me come here for the first time."
"Ouch! You hated us that much huh?"
"No. I hated YOU that much."
"Damn! That's harsh. Well now look at you, begging to come here. That's kinda the way it goes though. Once I get a woman here, she doesn't want to leave." He said winking at me.
"Well I see you haven't changed a bit."

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