Chapter 1

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A/N sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and I do not own any of these characters. This is my first story so sorry if it's no good.

Artemis POV

I awake to the blaring of an alarm. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My olive skin hand feels around on the wooden bedside table. Pounding into the snooze button I stay laying there with my eyes closed for another second, trying to soak in all of the sleep that I can get.

Summer vacation had started 2 days ago so there was no point in springing awake. After another 5 minutes I drag myself out of bed onto my feet, with a sticky feeling that I'm forgetting something rather important. Not really giving the idea much thought I continue with my morning. The routine starts with me getting my lazy ass out of bed and walking over to my closet. The outfit I settle on for the day is simple, jean shorts and a green athletic tank-top.

Ice cold water wakes me right up when I start my skin care routine of washing my face. Taking the brush from it's holder I comb through my hair. I had no concern of getting out all of the lumps and snarls. Just enough to put it into a ponytail. As I finish the checklist of my morning agenda I leave the bathroom.

My mother is sitting in her wheelchair at the door of my room. Her face is tired and her outfit is drab seeing as how no one had helped her with everything she needed yet this morning. "Oliver is here, waiting for you in the kitchen," she says while looking at me like I'm stupid for some reason

That's when it clicks in my brain and the sticky forgetful feeling from earlier leaves, Ollie and I were going shopping for arrows today. We had been running low for almost a month now and where in dire need of a shopping trip. Sure, we could just order them online or make them ourselves but we both liked to see them before buying them. Make sure they were all good. We can always add modifications to them later but they need to start with a good base.

Running into the kitchen to grab my phone and wallet of the table, I see Ollie standing, patiently waiting for me. Kissing my mother on the cheek from where she had rolled in next to me. He hasn't noticed that I am ready being to caught up in whatever is on his phone, so i take his arm and drag him out the front door.

We ride the elevator in silence. I walk out the door to see his shiny Cayenne Porsche, with the engine still running. Giving him a sideways glance, we continue over to it in silence. When we reach the parking spot I see Diggs and Felicity in the front seats. Something's up, those two never come with. As soon as Ollie gets in i ask what is going on. He says "well there is a new team out there that we need you to shadow."

I ask, "who does this new group consist of?" Silently praying it's not who i thought it was.

Felicity pipes in and says "Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash." I groan it's just my luck having to shadow the group that demolished a building while going to put out a fire. Seriously they weren't even supposed to be there!

Oliver continues to debrief me on the situation, "and while your shadowing them you can decide if the group is a good fit for you, to stay on, maybe permanently." I stare out the window as i watch the buildings pass by. There is no way that they are going to be a "good fit" I will make sure of it. After another 10 minutes we arrive at Archer Heaven.

We walk through the sliding glass doors to the best place on earth. Different arrows lined the walls, bows were in the middle and targets were everywhere. Anything an archer could ever need was here. The jaws on both Diggs and Felicity drop. I smile and say "what, has Oliver never taken you guys shopping?"

Felicity says "of course he loves to spend money, just never for arrows."

I grab Felicity's arm and drag her of to the back were they have the arrows with the broadhead tips that I love. Oliver loves a good bullet tips which yeah they're nice but but broadheads are the superior way to go.

Felicity looks around to see the fletching in red, black, green, white, and a bunch of other colors. I grab 20 of the green ones of the shelf. The wheels in Felicity's head were spinning as she tried to process everything. To me it's just another trip but I guess it is a sight for someone who has never been here before.

Diggs and Ollie are two rows over from us. I walk up behind them and quickly set my hands on diggs shoulders scaring him half to death. How he is supposed to be trained to protect people I will never know. The dude is so jumpy.  I almost fall over laughing hysterically at his reaction. He glares at me then asks Oliver if he's almost done shopping and a minute later ollie say "i'm done."

i am still laughing as we head up to the counter. Ollie buys both mine and his arrows because he lost the bet that I couldn't beat Diggs in an arm wrestling contest. Diggle of course let me win so that I could prove him wrong. There is no way that I could beat Diggles I mean he's seriously jacked.bWe head back to the car so they can drive me home. When I finally walk through the worn door, my mother is sitting with a box of pizza in front of her on the kitchen table and a soda in her hand. She fixes me a plate and glass of pop which I gladly take from her before heading to my room.

I grab my pjs which are really black basketball shorts and . I eat my pizza and turn my laptop on and start to watch another episode of criminal minds. While watching it i fall asleep, my brain to tired to process that it is only 4:30. My body, physically exhausted from all of my sleepless nights and early mornings.

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