Chapter 2

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"I need you both to confirm these guys for their shoots tomorrow afternoon" Georgia says to Jedd and I at 5:30 that afternoon. We were technically meant to get off now, but apparently this was urgent and she forgot to add it to the list. "Then you can go home" she smiled at us.
"Alright. If anything's wrong with the shoot and times we'll come back. If everything's good we'll just leave" Jedd says and we leave her office, just as the phone rang. Jedd was Georgia's PA too. He used to be her intern, because he needed a summer job six years ago, and now, bam. We're her two PA's.
"This is my favourite part of the job" I smirk as we walk out onto level 12; male model central.
"Yeah, I noticed" Jedd joked.
"Hi Laura, we're looking for these guys" I say and hand her the paper.
"Alright. Hold on a sec" she says and makes a call. "They're in conference room 3, go on in" she says after talking on the phone for five minutes. We thank her and make our way down the corridor, coming out into another open plan, but different photo shoot areas set up in the massive space, and another hallway off to the left. I tried hard not to look at the amazing Calvin Klein photo shoot going on as we walked around the outside of the area and down the second hallway, walking into conference room 3.
"Hi guys, I'm Jedd and this is Sammy. We work for Georgia" Jedd says when we walk in. They all say hi and sit up in their chairs, as if we were going to dob them in for slouching.
"So what are we doing here?" a blonde-ish guy asked.
"We just need to confirm the times for your photo shoots tomorrow afternoon" I say, looking at them all, and seeing a long time friend of mine; Noah Peters. I shoot him a smile before Jedd and I go through all the times for the seven guys in the room.
We were finished fifteen minutes later and shared the elevator down with three of the models, only one of which I know; Noah.
"How was your summer?" he asked when we got to the lobby and the other two models walked away from us.
"It was so relaxing. As the Hamptons are" I say, smiling. "How about you?"
"Yeah, alright. I mean, the city is great in summer, but working" he shrugged.
"I heard you got a month in California" Jedd said to him.
"Yeah, it was so fun! Parties, girls, beaches, girls" he chuckles, Jedd joining. I just walked down the streets of New York silently, listening to them talk about the parties and girls Noah was involved in when he was in California.

"Kenzie, Sammy?" Gracie called out. I rushed out of my room and hugged her. "Whoa, calm down hot stuff! I only left you for two days!" she laughed.
"I know. I missed your cooking" I muttered and she laughed.
"Where's Kenz?" I shrugged.
"Last time I talked to her was at lunch time. I told her about dinner tonight and she said she'd be home by 5. I got here half an hour ago; 6" I say and we sit on the couch.
"You don't think anything happened, do you? I mean, she's never late to anything" she said worriedly.
"I think she'll be okay. I mean, I hope she is, anyway" I said. A moment of silence passed and I groaned. "Now you have me worried!" I stand up and press speed dial 2 on the landline phone and wait for her to pick up.
"Hello?" a man answered.
"Hi, I'm looking for Kenzie Parker" I say, frowning. Gracie frowned too and sat on a bar stool next to me.
"Oh. Of course. May I please have your name?" the man asked.
"I'm Samantha Dylan. What's going on? Who are you?" I interrogated him, nerves filling my stomach.
"I'm Doctor Jones. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come to the hospital" he sighed. My eyes went wide as I listened to the instructions; floor 5, room 507.
"What's happening? Who was he?" Gracie asked, hands shaking as she followed me to my room. I put a black jacket on and get my phone out.
"I don't know what's going on. He was a doctor and told us to go to the hospital" I said, my voice shaking. She gasped. "I'm about to call Dylan" I added and dialled his number as we left the loft.
"Dylan, you need to get to the hospital" I say as soon as he answered.
"What? Why?" I could practically hear him frown.
"I called Kenzie's phone, a doctor answered, said to go to the hospital. You and the guys need to come too" I say, my voice still uneasy. I heard him curse and hang up, so I texted him the floor and room as we hailed a cab.
God, please let her be okay...


Noah Peters played by Julian Morris (Wren in PLL)


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