Chapter 4

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Georgia gave me the rest of the week off work. I insisted I come in and that I was fine, but she said Jedd would cope without me, and he promised he'd call me if it was urgent.

I really was fine. I haven't cried, at all. I suppose everyone deals with death their own way. Mine isn't crying over it. I learnt that when my grandma died the first year I moved here.

"Gracie, I made soup for dinner" I said, poking my head into her room. She nodded and followed me out. We ate in silence, like the rest of the week. As she bought the spoon to her mouth, something shined on her finger.

"Gracie, is that a... an engagement ring?!" I asked. She looked at it and sighed.

"We were going to tell you all at dinner Monday night, but..." she looked down.

"I'm really happy for you, Gracie" I say softly.

"Thanks, Sammy. I love you" she says and gets up to sit in my lap and hug me. "Don't leave me" she sobbed into my shoulder.

"I promise I won't" I say. I still didn't cry.

"The funeral is tomorrow at 5, Gracie. Then we're going for dinner with the guys and Mr and Mrs Parker" I said to her when she got out of the shower.

"Alright..." she sighed and sat next to me. We'd both been pretty quiet around the loft the past few days. I've only heard from Jay once, yesterday, with an update on how Dylan's doing. And one today, when he told me Kenzie's parents were there, and staying at a hotel, and all the funeral details were done.

"Jay said some of Kenzie's friends from work and home are coming, too. And a few family friends" I said, breaking the silence. She just nodded. I sighed and turned the TV off, but it didn't seem like she noticed. "Gracie, we need to stop this" I state. She looked at me, sad eyes, and frowned.

"Stop what?" then she continued. "We're mourning our best friend, Sammy. It's going to take some time. We haven't even gone near her room" she said calmly.

"I know, Gracie. I know we're mourning, but to me, it seems like we're not going to get past this. I promised you yesterday night, I'm not going to leave you, and you sure as hell aren't going to leave me" I started. "Mourning is one thing, I know. But, not saying anymore than three words to each other doesn't seem like mourning to me. We're best friends, Gracie. On that front, we're really all each other has. Sure, you've got Tom, and we have the other guys, and family, but lets face it. No one knows us better than each other. I don't want this to bring this whole friendship apart" I said, my voice shrinking to a whisper by the end of my slight rant. She sat in silence, looking at my eyes, before speaking.

"You're right. I don't want this to bring us apart" and she paused, a small, genuine smile forming on her face. Not a fake one like she's been putting on lately. "C'mon. Let's find something to wear for tomorrow" she says and stood up. I followed suit and we went to her room first.

"There's the Gracie I know and love unconditionally" I joke, hugging her.

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