Chapter 41

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I frowned when I looked to the clock; 6:35pm. Fletcher should've been home half an hour ago. I don't know why I was worrying, it just means less awkwardness for me. But, no matter how hard I tried, the worry was eating me up inside, and before I knew it, my computer was shut and sitting next to me, and I was chewing my lip anxiously.

The front door opened at 7:15, and I jumped up when he walked into the lounge room. "Where have you been?! You finished work almost two hours ago!" I exclaimed. He had a slightly amused expression, but tried to hide it.

"I had to stop some places. You were worried about me?" he asked and went to the kitchen. I followed and sat at the bench.

"Uh, kind of" I sighed. He raised an eyebrow in questioning, and I sighed again. "I didn't want to be worried, but the last time someone didn't come home and I didn't worry, she ended up dead" I admit. His expression softened.

"Sorry. I was going to call, but I didn't think you'd want to talk" he shrugged.

"It's fine. So, where did you go that took two hours?" I ask, looking over the three bags he had on the bench.

"We're having a night in together. It's going to be a hectic week for you, and we're in a weird place, so this is starting new with us, and a relaxation night for you" he says. I frown and he pulls out two tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, his favourite flavour and mine. I grinned. Then, as if it could get any better, he pulled out a bag of Hershey's kisses, some Hershey's chocolate bars, and lollies.

"Fletcher, this is amazing" I say, looking over all the food. "I think we've still got popcorn" I say and go to the cupboard. "Yeah, I'll make some later" I say and turn around, seeing him closer to me than I thought.

"I also bought some movies we don't have" he said casually and turned back around. "And I figured we order Chinese or something" he says.

"Sounds good. Do you want to go get changed, and I'll order dinner" I say. He nodded and left to his room, while I called the Chinese place.

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