Chapter 24

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"Alright, let's get you down the isle" Gracie's mom said tearfully when she was ready, her dress on and looking beautiful.
"Hey ladies, you ready to go? Wow" her dad came in. He smiled proudly at her, and she grinned in the mirror.
"Okay, let's do this" I say and pull her away from the mirror gently. I slipped my nude heels on, which matched the girls', and we left, picking up our small bouquets of white roses, Gracie's bright red. We came out of the lobby, me and Bree carrying her dress so it wouldn't drag, and she stepped into the awaiting horse and carriage, her mom and dad got in too. Me, Bree, Mel and Jordan got into one behind them, and we were off, heading across the road and into Central Park. We chatted as we went down the light dirt road, across a stone bridge, and stopped near the wedding venue. It wasn't too far from the Plaza hotel, which we were just at, but because we had to go along a different road with the horses, we had to go the long way. It was only a five/ten minute walk on the pedestrian footpath. Tom and Gracie would get a carriage back for the reception at the hotel, while the rest of us walked.
We stepped out of the carts and her mom went and took her seat, signalling for the band to start playing. The soft music began, and Mel and Noah met at the end of the isle, linked arms and smiled as they walked down the isle somewhat at a slow pace. Next, Bree met with Dylan, and they went.
"Sammy" Gracie says and I turned around, just as Jordan went to meet Fletcher. "I love you" she says, smiling. I smile and hug her without messing anything up.
"I love you too, Gracie. You know she would've loved to see this day" I say and begin to tear up.
"No crying ladies, we have to get through this with minimal tears" her dad joked. We laughed slightly and l squeezed her hand before going to meet Jay to walk up the isle. I gasped when it wasn't Jay who met me at the end of the isle.
"Hi" he breathed as my arm slipped through his.

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