Chapter 54

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When I stomped through the front door, Fletcher was sitting on the couch, flicking through the TV channels, his folder sitting on the coffee table.
"Hey, you read your's?" I ask and sit next to him.
"Yeah, read the first one when I got home" he says and turns the TV off. I think he could tell I was too tired to do anything tonight, because he just pulled me into him, laying my head in his lap and he played with my hair, soothing and relaxing me.
"I haven't read mine yet. I was thinking about doing it tonight" I sigh.
"You can take my bed if you want to curl up and read" he says, smiling down to me. "I know how much you love to do that" he adds and kisses my forehead softly. My eyes fluttered close and I inhaled his scent.
"You still wear that cologne" I comment, opening my eyes to see him not even an inch away from my face.
"Of course I do. I love it" he smiled and pressed his lips to mine softly. No tongue, which made it so much sweeter. When he pulled away, he held his lips just above mine, and I could feel his hot minty breath over my face before I opened my eyes to see his brown ones twinkling.
I smiled and turned my head in his lap, getting comfortable when he turned the TV back on and continues running his hands through my hair.

"Thanks for dinner, Sammy. It was amazing" Fletcher says from across the small dining table.
"No worries. You cooked last time, so" I shrugged. "I think I'll go read in bed" I smile and he nodded.
"Okay. I'll read out here for a bit" he says. I walk down to his room and changed into some pyjamas I left in from last night, after we uh, yeah. I curled up under the soft duvet and opened the folder and pulled out the first chapter about me. There were three on me, four on Dylan, three on Gracie, two on Fletcher and two and a half on Jay. She was in the middle of writing the third, but didn't get to finish. I was expecting a phone call from Jay when he read that one. I knew I'd have to be supportive. Like always. Put on a brave face, don't let them see your true feelings.
I sat the folder next to me on the bed and flipped the first page to where it started.
'Samantha Dylan...'

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