Chapter 51

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Sammy's POV (present day).

"Formal Will Of Mackenzie Parker" I read out, my voice strong. They all came and sat on the bed with me. Nothing else needed to be packed, but a few shirts and the laptop. "There's a lot of rambling here... oh, here we go" I say, scrolling and scanning over the text to where she stopped rambling and got serious. Well, as serious as Kenzie can get. "I leave nothing to anyone, but my children, if I have any, or my parents, who can do with my crap what they want to do with it. To the gang, I want them to be in a room by themselves. Shoo everyone else out thanks" I read, word for word.

Kenzie's POV (A year before)

'Make sure they're the only ones in the room right now. I'm about to let a lot of secrets go'

I typed. It was verging on 1am, and I could hear Tom snoring in Gracie's room. Sammy went out earlier, and judging by the time and her lack of appearance, I'm guessing she's having a uh, sleep over.

'I'm not leaving anything physical to them. At all. Unless there's something that I have that belongs to them, then by all means, take it.

What I leave for the gang, is a gift to know each other better. We already know each other inside out, but I'm about to take it to the next level. Fletcher better be there right now, or this won't work. And I'm not trying to be a bitch when I say all this.

Sammy, you need to pull your head out of your ass and man up woman! Call him. You know who I mean. Call the damned boy, for Christ's sake! Who cares that he's got a girlfriend. Even if he's married when this is read out, turn to him right now and plant one on him. I promise it'll make him turn to gelo, and he'll leave whoever he's with for you. God, the amount of times he's gone on and on and on about how amazing you are... I lost count after 200. I don't care that this was all back in high school. I know he will forever love you. And you, him. A love like that isn't fake, and doesn't run out. It's the same as Gracie and Tom's, who better bloody hope they're married right now. If not, TOM PUT A DAMNED RING ON IT. I know she'll wait forever for you, but that doesn't mean you can continue to be a wimp and not go to Tiffany's and buy a diamond ring.

Jay. Jay, Jay, Jay. You absolute moron. You absolute shit head. I love you so much, wow. As Fletcher used to say, 'To the moon and back'. Love you to the moon and back, man. Not that kind of love though. Ew no. Oh, I swear to God if I marry a stupid boy, I'll haunt all of you. I want to be married to a stupid girl.'

I blushed, thinking about being married to Miranda. We've been secretly seeing each other for a few months now. I'm planning on telling the girls soon, so she can come over for dinner and stuff.

'DYLAN PARKER. My second half. The big brother I never had. Cause I'm older by two minutes, HA! I want him to know that I wouldn't be the person I grew up to be without him. He's my rock, and I love him so very much. I don't want him to go all depresso on everyone when I die, cause I'll feel bad. Stupid boy. Boys are stupid. I want Dyl to know that he's my most favourite person in the world, and although I'm older than him, he's my role model, and I look up to him in awe, admiration, and I'm so very proud of him.

I only have a few last things to mention;

Gracie and Tom need to get married and have hundreds of babies.

Dylan needs to win a bachelor award, then turn around and date some amazing girl.

Jay better marry some flawless girl. If he doesn't, I'll haunt him.

Fletcher needs to man up and kiss Sammy.

Sammy needs to man up and kiss Fletcher. Also, she needs to open an art gallery.'

I hit save and shut it off, too tired to do any writing tonight now.

I fell asleep thinking deeply. I wonder what it would be like if I was gone? How people would react. Would they act differently? Would anyone actually find the will I just wrote? How will I even die?

A/N: Totally not crying right now.

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