Chapter 32

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"Ugh, I'm so ready to go home and have a relaxing bath" I sigh at my desk, across from Jedd's. He chuckled.

"Bad day?" he asked.

"Yes! You've been with me all day, and you know how my morning went" I growled. I didn't mean to yell at Fletcher, but all my feelings kind of built up inside of me, and I snapped.

"True. Well, you can head off now. Georgia's done for the day, I'll just hang around until she leaves" he says to me.

"Alright then. Thank you, you're a legend" I say, smiling at him. "Love you" I call as I walked away.

"Love you cous!" he called back. I slipped my coat on in the elevator, and managed to catch a cab quickly, and he drove fast, so I was home in ten minutes.

When I walked inside, it was empty. There was a note on the bench for me.


I've gone out. I'll be back later.


Oh how thoughtful. I rolled my eyes and threw it out on my way to my bedroom. I dropped my coat and bag onto my bed and kicked my shoes off carelessly. I was so tired, all I wanted to do was have a bath, order in pizza, and sleep.

I turned the taps on for the bath, adding some bubble bath mixture and let it run while I stripped. I put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head, turned the taps off because it was getting pretty full, and got my lighter from my bedside drawer. I lit the few candles around the bathroom and bath, set the lighter down and walked out to the kitchen in my underwear and bra. Thanking the lord that Fletcher hadn't come home yet. I poured myself a glass of red wine and went back to my bathroom. I plugged my phone into my speakers in the bathroom and put on relaxing music before taking my bra and underwear off, got my glass of wine and carefully stepped into the deep bath and lied down, my head resting on the soft headrest on the side. The bubbles made me feel concealed, even though I was alone, and the red wine relaxed me.

This is just what I need. I thought to myself and relaxed, letting all tension in my body go.

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