Chapter 57

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"Okay, so I just couldn't get onto my dad" I say, coming out of Fletcher's bedroom and into the lounge room. The other guys had come over as soon as Fletcher called and filled them in on the middle of the night's disturbances. He just left out the bit about me clarifying I wasn't pregnant.
"Well he's probably at work. It is Tuesday, after all" Jay says, but it didn't calm the nerves in my stomach. Something flipped and twisted, and I was in the bathroom again, but this time it was Jay holding my hair back.
"Sorry" I said once I was done. I got up to wash my hands and leant my body on the bench while I did so.
"It's fine. You're really worried about your dad, aren't you?" he asks. I just nodded, and I could feel my eyes tear up. No, Sammy. Do NOT act weak. Your dad is fine. I told myself. I bit down on my lip to stop the tears from falling and my lip trembling, but Jay noticed. He pulled me into him and I rested my head on his chest. I didn't cry, but it was very comforting and reassuring knowing he, and the rest of the gang, were there for me.
"I should go to work" I say and walk out.
"Are you sure you're well enough to go?" he asked, following me into my room but staying at the doorway. I was able to get in and out of my closet, but that's just about all I could do. The carpet was covered in some powder stuff, which the guy said would take a few days to set in and the it'd be back to normal. Well, he had to come in when it was set, and do some weird stuff to it, then it'd be good again.
"Yeah. I'll be fine" I say, adding a fake grin. He gave me his look and I sighed. "Jay, I promise that if I feel unwell or throw up again I'll call you or one of the others" I say and go back to looking for something to wear.
I settled on the plain black jeans and a t-shirt, with a jumper on over the top of it. When I came out with my shoes in hand, Jay wasn't there anymore. I sat on the end of my bed and tied the laces of my combat boots before leaving.
"Make sure you call if something happens" Gracie said sternly.
"Yes, Gracie. You've all said that now" I sigh. My bag was over my shoulder and phone in hand. It was only 9am; they got here at about 7:30, which was weird but I didn't complain.
"Well we're just worried. We love you" she says and hugs me.
"Love you too. Bye guys" I say and leave. The last look on Fletcher's face was worry, as it had been all morning so far.
I stopped at a near-by Starbucks for coffee before catching a cab to the office.

It was about 11:30 when my phone died. And I didn't have a charger. Nor did Jedd. Or Georgia. Or anyone in the damned building! Stupid and annoying.
"I can't believe no one has a charger" I grumbled when I sat back down. "So stupid" I add and sigh.
"How many times have you tried your dad?" Jedd asked, concerned.
"About five times now. I don't know his number by heart to use the work phone" I slump into my chair and he looked at me sympathetically. He too was worried about him. He was his uncle after all. "It's fine though. He's in the middle of a work day, and knowing him, his phone is on silent" I roll my eyes, faking a smile. He too saw right through it, but knew me well enough not to push the subject. The only two people who have known me longer than Jedd is my mom and dad. And the doctor, if you want to get technical. So of course, Jedd knew everything inside my head. He knew how to push my buttons, and what to say when I was upset, or how to know what I was feeling. And the same goes for me; I know the exact same about him. I guess that's what comes from knowing each other your whole lives.


Some serris busniss is gonna go down next chapter. Ahhhh stay tuned!


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