Chapter 48

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"The Vera Wang show!? Why?" I ask as we travelled down.

"Hayley went out tonight to go clubbing" she snarled. "And won't be coming in tomorrow. You're the only one who knows the walk properly and who will be there anyway" she said. "And plus, you're her size" we stepped out of the elevator into the deserted lobby.

"Georgia, I know I said anything, but I don't think I can do this" I say as she locked the glass doors.

"Sammy, please. I need you to do this. Just one show" she pleads. "You can invite your friends. Jedd will already be there, but as many as you like, I'll reserve seats third row" she bargain's as we stood on the side walk. I sighed and hailed a cab that was going past.

"Fine. I need five seats, all together" I say. Her face lit up.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" she hugged me. "You'll get paid for this, Sammy" she said and walked to her own car. I got in the cab and told him where to go.

When I got back to the loft, Fletcher was cooking spaghetti.

"Oh, that smells so good" I say, walking into the kitchen to where he was standing at the stove.

"It better! It's almost ready" he says. I took that as a hint and went to change. I grabbed my phone and went back out and sat on the couch. I called Gracie first.

"Hey Sammy! Oh I have the best news!" she said.

"Tell me" I say, smiling.

"It's a boy!" she exclaimed. I squealed in excitement with her, Fletcher looked at me worriedly.

"Gracie! That's amazing! Oh congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" I say and Fletcher looked away, chuckling. He must already know.

"I know! Tom's so thrilled" she says.

"I'd imagine he would be. Now, I have a favour to ask of you and Tom" I say.

"Sure thing, anything" she said. I took a deep breath before asking.

"I need you to both come to the Vera Wang show tomorrow" I rush out.

"How come?"

"I'm walking in it. Last minute thing. I'm allowed reserves, so yeah" I say.

"Of course we'll be there! You can take up a career in modelling" she jokes.

"Ha, ha, very funny. You need to be there to check in by 11 o'clock. You'll have reserves under my name" I explain.

"Alright. Who else are you inviting?" she asked. I looked to where Fletcher was, dishing out our food.

"You and Tom, Dyl, Jay, and Fletcher" I say. He looked to me in confusion before I waved him off and he came and sat next to me, very close, and put both bowls on the coffee table. He nuzzled into my neck, trying to distract me.

"You and Fletch are getting along now? Please say yes" she says. None of the gang like it when me and Fletcher don't get along. We all still hang out together regardless, they just don't like it.

"Uh, yeah. We made up last night" I forced out. More like made out.

"Oh good! Tell him we'll come by and pick him up for the show. Tell the others the same" she said.

"Sure thing, will do. Gracie, I got to go. I'm just about to eat dinner" I say.

"Okay. I might see you tomorrow then. Bye!" I hung up and pushed away from Fletcher, who was smirking at me.

"Do you mind? That was a serious phone call. If you're not careful, I won't invite you for tomorrow" I cross my arms and look down to him on the couch. He smirked and tapped the back of my knees, making my legs buckle and me to fall onto his lap.

"You'll invite me anywhere. We both know it" he says and kisses my jaw slowly. I bite my lip to suppress a moan, and lean away.

"I have to call the guys" I say and call Jay's phone.

"Sammy! What's up?" he answered.

"Not much Jay. Look, I'll make this quick cause I'm busy at the minute" I say and felt Fletcher smirk against my neck, where he was leaving little kisses up it.

"Okay, what's up?" I tried not to moan when Fletcher nibbled on my earlobe.

"I'm walking in the Vera Wang show tomorrow. Long story. And I've got five reserved seats for you guys. You and Dylan are going" I say sternly.

"Cool! We'll be there!"

"Good. Tom and Gracie will pick you up at about 10:30ish tomorrow" I tell him.

"Okay. I'll let you go if you're busy. See ya Sammy" he says. I say bye and hang up.

"So, you're a model now?" Fletcher smirks, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Only this once. It won't happen again" I say.

"I think it's hot" he whispered. I leaned closer to his face.

"Oh really?" I smirked. He nodded, looking at my lips and biting his own. I pressed my lips to his, heat of the moment, and he of course, deepened the kiss.

We only made out for a few minutes before we ate dinner and watched TV. There may have been another pretty heated makeout session before we went to bed... Might have been.

A/N: I'm having serious Sammy and Fletcher feels right now.

We need a ship name for them!! Comment yours if you can think of one!


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