Chapter 42

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"Did you see that!" I yelled, pointing to the TV. It's about 10 o'clock, and we're watching a new horror movie that came out last month. "Shit! No! Don't do that!" I yelled again, as if the people in the movie can hear me. I heard Fletcher chuckling next to me. "I told you! I told you not to do that" I said sassily when one of them died. Just as the rest opened a door inside the abandoned house, lightning struck again and the power went off. I screamed. "We're going to die!" Fletcher laughed.

"Sammy, it's just a thunder storm. Calm down" he says. I heard him moving around, then a light turned on in the kitchen; a torch. He had two, one for him and one for me, and he sat back on the couch. "We'll play games while it's off" he says and hands me a torch.

"What game?" I ask. He shrugged. We went silent while we thought. I took some of my Cookie Dough ice cream and ate it, while the torch sat in my lap. "What about confessions?" I offer up.

"What's that?" he asked.

"It's when you take in turns of asking the other person a question, and they have to answer it truthfully. The first person to pass a question looses" I explain. He nodded.

"How do you know if they're telling the truth though?"

I shrugged. "I guess you just have to trust them enough" he nodded and turned in his seat to face me. "You go first" I nod to him and take more ice cream into my mouth.

"Okay..." he thought for a minute. "You said years ago, back in senior year, that if I had told you about me moving sooner, you would've called me when your mom went bad. Would you of really called?" he asked. I thought for a minute.

"Yes" I nodded. "You're the only one I ever want to talk to when I'm upset, or something good or bad happens in my life. There's no doubt in my mind that I would've called you" I said. He smiled, kind of. "Okay, um..." I thought of a question. "What does 'To the moon and back' mean?" I ask, referring to his tattoo.

"Oh, uh" he stuttered, then sighed. "When we got back together, in senior year, my mom asked me once if I loved you. Like, real love, not just a high school thing" he started. I sat in silence and watched him as he told me. "I said, of course mom. I love her to the moon and back" he said, not looking at me. "That's why I got it. As a reminder how much I love you. I got it before we uh, broke up" he said awkwardly. "How many guys have you slept with since we broke up?" he asked, changing the topic dramatically.

"I don't think you want to know..." I say, slightly embarrassed. He raised his eyebrows and I sighed. "Fine. But if you get pissed at me, I'll slap you" I say. He nodded, and I whispered my answer.

"I didn't hear you" he says, slightly amused. I looked up to him and spoke louder.

"I lost count after 20" I admit. It's true. He looked stunned. "In my defence, it hit about twenty in the fifth year I moved here" I defend. "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked. He blushed.

"Two... one was some random girl, a few weeks into the first summer, and the other was my ex" he admitted. I smiled, but covered it up.

"Go on. Next question" I prompt and he looked relieved to have the subject change.

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