Chapter 55

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A/N: this chapter is written all as the chapter that Sammy is reading (Kenzie's POV). Just a FYI.

Samantha Dylan.

Samantha, or Sammy, was a shy girl when you first meet her. Well, from my experience she was. She was hidden away, and still is, eight years into our friendship and there's still so much I don't know about her. But that's the excitement of it all; not knowing what's to come, whereas compared to Gracie, I can read her like a children's book. I guess that's what happens when you've known each other for so long. But Sammy... I don't know what it is. She's intriguing. Adventurous. Shocking. A new experience. Something new happens every day with her. And it's always at random points, and random things. Like when she found a $50 bill on the sidewalk, or when she got a job at DNA Models; that was the strangest one. I'm so proud of her, though. She wasn't looking for that kind of thing to do, but it came to her. That's the way her life works, I think. Things come to her. Not all good, of course. I know about her ragged past. I've been working on getting her to talk about it, so she can get it off her chest and move past it. It's been working, I think. She seems lighter. Almost as if she's the happiest she's ever been. But, I do know, that she won't be completely happy until her life turns around. I think, one day, her life is all going to change. It'll seem like the worst thing, but I know that it will all turn out good in the end.

I hope I'll be there to see the day where she's completely happy.

I think, in my opinion, for her to be completely happy, she needs three things;

1. Her parents... I'm not saying they need to get back together, or even talk for that matter. No, I think that she needs to make amense with both parents. Her and her father speak regulary, but her and her mom on the other hand... Ever since she finished her last counciling session, and was finally done with the rehab, it's almost like Sammy's scared of her. Like, her mom's going to attack her. I can't blame her, though. She feels scared because there's no longer the barrier of saftey bought to her by her dad, when she was at boarding school. Nor is there the barrier of safety from the rehab centre, preventing her mom from leaving. Now that she's lets say, 'free', there's nothing stopping her from hurting Sammy again. I personally don't think she will. I think that she's a lot better now. But I know no matter what Sammy thinks or says, good or bad things, she will always have a fear when around her mom, which I think is terrible.

2. Art... Sammy is a very talented artist. I bought her three canvas' and paint once for Christmas. By the time that New Years came around, she had completely covered every centimeter of white canvas. I don't know where she keeps them now. If I did, I would hang one in the lounge room, one in my room, and the other in Gracie's room. So we could be reminded every day of her amazing talent. I do hope she follows her dream of having an art gallery in the city and opens one. The first exhibit should be her own work, then I think she should hang local artists work in it. That's what I would do.

3. Fletcher Moore... For Sammy to be fully happy and content with life, I believe she needs to have this man back in her life. They are high school sweethearts, and belong together. Their love isn't a high school one, which ends when everyone graduates. No, their's is something more. Something that isn't very common. I'm lucy enough to have another two friends who are exactly the same. Gracie and Tom. Their love, same as Fletcher and Sammy's, is for infinity. They will be together one day. But, I'm not saying that Sammy needs to be back with Fletcher to be happy. No, I'm saying that she needs him in her life. Even just as friends. No matter how much it would kill not only me on the inside, but everyone else, they deserve to have each other as friends again. They need to be in each other's lives to survive. They don't know this, which is why they're both so miserable.

Sammy was someone who you could go to with anything, and no matter what, she would know what to do. She's someone who doesn't show her emotions, except for happy. Sometimes even that is fake. It kills me inside to know that she's faking her smile and laugh so much. As the years go by, I see the real side start to come out, but I know she's holding back. I know that something's holding her back. That something is her second half; her sould mate, as mentioned earlier.

The first day I met Sammy was at the start of senior year. She asked myself, Gracie and Jay where the headmaster's office was, and was nervous about it. Turned out she occupied the empty dorm on our floor, which we were expecting to be filled before we started senior schooling.

The first thing I noticed about Sammy was her dark brown eyes. They were so captivating, and held so many secrets and bad memories. They say your eyes are the windows into your soul. Well I think that it's accurate for Sammy. Her eyes were so dark, which reflected her soul. She didn't have anything to do with her soul being dark. It was her past, and the people she knew that made it dark.

I know this is a Sammy chapter, but I'd like to mention that Fletcher's eyes are the same. When he fist came to boarding school, his eyes were a dark brown. Not as dark as Sammy's, but darker than they were last time I saw them. I noticed, that when Sammy arrived, his eyes started becoming lighter. Figuratively and literally. His smile reached his eyes when she was around, and his laugh felt... real. When I learnt that Sammy was the girl Fletcher was and still is in love with, everything fell into place. FInally, they dated again. Only, to break up. Unfortunately.

But, the day they get back together and married will be the day I have waited a long time for. It will be a thing for the history books.

Sammy is very hidden away. And that's just the way she is. I know I'm never going to be able to reach the far corners of her mind and learn her darkest secrets and learn about her lonliest moments. But that's the excitement of it all; not knowing what's to come.

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