Chapter 28

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"Woo!" I heard people cheer from the other room. I was at Tom and Gracie's New Year's party, currently in the spare bedroom to get away from it all. It was like a high school party. It was great! No formal crap, like all the other New Year's parties I had been to, through connections at work. I checked my reflection in the bathroom mirror to make sure I looked okay before going back down there. My dress looked perfect; the black bodice with diamantes on the front panel sat straight, and the white skirt that dropped from the waist hung on my body, stopping an inch or two above my knees. I touched up my red lipstick and wiggled my feet into my red pumps. My hair was parted in the middle and fell in front of my shoulders in curls. I left my phone in my handbag which sat under the bed, in case someone went snooping, and I walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. Immediately, I was overwhelmed by the heat of the building. Their town house was quite large, and modern. I walked down the stairs, avoiding people talking or making out, and found my way to the kitchen, where I saw the gang standing. Including Fletcher. He'd moved to New York a week after the wedding, and so far it's been like he never said he loved me. Like... he forgot about it. I came to that conclusion and so I never bought it up. He would visibly go stiff and jealousy flashed in his eyes whenever I was talking to a guy friend around him. I lived at the loft with Fletcher. I was guilted into it by the others, honestly. I did want to let him move in, but I feared it would be weird, but when he seemed to of forgotten our conversation at the wedding, it was fine. I hadn't moved Kenzie's things from her room yet. I don't feel quite ready to. Fletcher moved into Gracie's old room, across from mine. I stopped bringing guys home, and only once have I spent the night with someone romantically. And when I say romantically, I mean a one night stand. Only once, though. Just after he moved in and didn't say anything about the conversation where he said he was in love with me. I was hurt, I didn't know what I was doing, don't judge. I lied to him though and said I was at Jedd's. He covered for me too.
"Sammy, we're doing shots" Jay said, bringing me out of my daze. "Except for Gracie" he winked at her and she pouted. "She's too busy carrying an alien inside of her" he laughed.
"Hey! He/She is not an alien!" she defended. "It is a beautiful human being" she says, placing a hand on her slightly bloated stomach. A small baby bump had appeared, but not too big yet.
"Of course it will be. Now, give me alcohol" I say, grasping the shot glass and Gracie filled them all for us. The five of us downed them, and Tom sat out of the next round, claiming he 'needed to stay sober cause it was his house and didn't want anything happening to Gracie'. Sweet. We took two more shots before I grabbed a bottle of beer for the four of us. Gracie and Tom excused themselves when they saw old friends, and went to chat with them. We sat in the kitchen, me on the countertop and the others leaning against cabinets and benches.
"So, everyone got a New Year's kiss planned?" I asked randomly. Honestly, I still love Fletcher, and I'd give my own lung up to be his New Year's kiss. Slight exaggeration, but you get it.
"Yeah, I was just gonna find a drunk girl and make out with her" Dylan shrugged, making us chuckle at him.
"Classy, Dyl" Fletcher commented and drank some of his beer.
"Mate, my middle name is Class" he joked.
"Dylan, I mean this with all the love in the world, but you put the 'ass' in 'class'" I said, smirking and they all laughed, including Dylan.
"You love me" he says and drinks his beer. "What about you Sammy? Got a kiss planned?" he asked, making kissy noises at me. I laughed before answering.
"Nah, might have to go kissless this year" I pout.
"Hold up, what?! Is this year going to be the first year Sammy Dylan doesn't get a New Year's kiss?!" a familiar guy exclaimed behind me. I turned and saw one of my best childhood friends walk into the kitchen.
"Jesse!" I exclaim and leap off the bench and hug him, lifting my legs around his waist as he lifted my up. "When did you get back in town?" I ask as he set me down.
"Yesterday. Gracie and Tom invited us-"
"Us?!" an excited grin covered my face.
"Sammy!" a girl called out. I looked around Jesse and squealed.
"Lola!" I hugged her and Jesse joined the guys in the kitchen. "Oh my gosh, I missed you!" I say and took in her appearance. She had tanner skin now, and her blonde hair was longer than it was last time.
"Same! Oh you look so good" she compliments and gets a beer. The two of us sat where I was on the bench top and joined in the boys' conversation after I introduced the two of them to Fletcher, getting a look from Jesse and Lola elbowed me subtly, only making me blush.

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