Chapter 56

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I placed the pages down and stared into space. I felt like I had just received a lecture from Kenzi. One that involves my life, and what happened, what I want to happen, and what's happening now.
Reading the chapter got me thinking. I know what I want to do with my life and where I want to head with it. An art gallery.
"Are you done?" Fletcher asked, coming in.
"Yeah, the first one, anyway. I'll read the rest later" I say and put it away before setting the folder on the nightstand. He crawled under the duvet with me after he switched the light off.
"Was it good? How do you feel?" He asked, looking to me from his position on the bed not too far away.
"Just... just hold me" I whisper. His face softened and he pulled me into him. We laid down and our legs wrapped around each others, while his arms wrapped around me and my head lay on his chest.
We stayed that way in silence for a minute before I broke it.
"I want to open an art gallery. Not a big one, just a small one. Maybe in a vacant loft somewhere in the city" I say. His breathing was calming me.
"I think that's a wonderful idea" he says in my ear. "You've always wanted to pursue in art, so why not?" he chuckles.
"Kenzie wanted me to so badly. I think this is right. It feels... right" I say.
"So do it. We can look up vacant lofts or places online tomorrow. Right now, I want to stay like this. This moment is perfection" he sighs. I shut my eyes and breath in his scent, the last thing I remember before I slipped into a deep sleep was him playing with my hair relaxingly.

I woke up at about 3am, sweating and with cold legs. I thought I was going to be sick, so I ripped myself from Fletcher's hold, waking him up in the process, and ran into his bathroom, crouching over the toilet, and threw up. I felt him bring my hair back and rub my back until I was done. I sat away from the toilet, leaning my back onto the cool wall tiles and set my head back to rest on them too.
"Are you alright? What happened?" he asked, worry and concern etched in his features.
"I- I honestly don't know... I don't feel sick in my stomach... I just woke up with sweat on my face, my legs were cold, and I threw up" I shrugged. "I honestly don't know what's wrong" I add, truthfully. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't feel sick, at all.
"You're not um, uh, you know..." he says, looking at me sheepishly. I frowned, confused, then caught on to what he was getting at.
"Oh! No, no, I'm not. Don't worry, there won't be any mini Fletcher or Sammy's running around any time soon" I say, and he visibly relaxed. "This happened when my gran died... She fell down her stairs when she was home alone, and for some reason, I randomly felt hot and cold at the same time, and threw up" I say, staring at the floor. "Like, like, I dunno" I sighed.
"Like your body knew someone in your family was hurt" he put in. I nodded. "Do you want to call everyone? I mean, like, your mom, dad, Jedd, anyone else?" he asked. I looked at him. He was so concerned it was cute. If I didn't just throw up I'd kiss him.
"Yeah... I think I might" I agree and he helps me up. My legs almost gave way beneath me, so he carried me to the lounge room, where my phone was. I picked it up and called Jedd first.

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