Chapter 63

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Sammy's POV

"How are you, Sammy?" Jay asked, rubbing my knee. We sat together on the wooden bench, Fletcher off somewhere talking to people with his mom. I just wanted to hug him.
"I-I'm doing... better" I sigh. "I mean, I, well, I don't know" my lip trembled again, and Gracie's grip around my waist tightened, pulling me into a side hug.
"We're here now... We're here for you" she said into my ear. I sniffed and hugged her. We talked a bit, just light conversation, and I saw Fletcher coming back over to us. Our eyes locked, and the others looked to where I was looking, sad smiles on their faces. I jumped up and ran to him, thankful I wore flats and not heels, and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and he held me tightly. I cried into his shoulder, my body shaking with sobs. He tightened his arms around me, as if I was going to dissapear suddenly.
I promise I won't, Fletcher.
When I calmed down a bit, he set me back on the ground and held me at arms lenght, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"It's okay now, alright?" he says. I nod and more tears escape. He pulled me into him. "Shh, it's okay... I've got you. I'm not leaving" he coo'es into my ear, rubbing my back and holding me close, my arms around his torso. Forgetting where we were for a moment, I leaned back slightly and pressed my lips to his softly. It was the shocked gasps from our friends that made me pull back, eyes wide in fear of telling them. I mean, what were we meant to tell them? Oh, sorry guys, we both forgot to mention, we're doing each other behind your backs. Oh, and also, I'm in love with Fletcher. Yeah, it just doesn't come up in conversation. I looked into Fletcher's eyes and he smiled softly at me. His hand found mine and our fingers intertwined together.
"Come on, we'll do this together" he says and we walk hand-in-hand to our best friends and my cousin, all of them sporting shocked expressions, mixed with happy ones too. I held Fletcher's hand tighter, a real smile finding it's way onto my face at the thought of finally being public with him. Then, a thought stopped me.
What are Fletcher and I?

But, before we reached the others, the reverent stepped out at the top of the stairs.
"If you would all join together inside, we will begin the service" the muttering began again as we made our getaway inside the church, and I sat with my gran and family up front, whilst the gang sat a row behind us. Jedd gave me a 'you're so dead if you don't explain soon' look as he sat next to me, but he held my hand anyway.

"Thank you all for gathering here today. I'd like to start by saying that George was a good friend of mine, as he was to everyone here, and to those who couldn't make it today" he began. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the tears, and gripped Jedd's hand tighter.

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