Chapter 25

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"Fletcher, what are you doing?" I muttered as we walked down the isle, smiling.
"Attending my best friend's wedding as a best man, duh" he says and we split at the other end, me standing next to Jordan, and he next to Jay. I shot Jay a look, who smiled innocently, and the music changed as we all turned our heads, except for me. I was watching Tom's face, as it turned from anxious smiling, to relieved, to happy, to love and only pure love, as Gracie came and stood next to him. I smiled, grateful that my two best friends were going to end up with the person they loved most. As the priest began talking, I found myself looking at Fletcher, who was already looking at me with something in his eyes... what was it... he used to look at me like that years ago. Like I was the reason the world spun, and the sun shined, and the stars twinkled at night. Like... like I was his whole world. And man, did I wish I was his whole world... No, Sammy. He's engaged. You know this I said sternly to myself and looked away, back to the priest who was still talking. Oh yeah? Then where's his fiancé? I smirked to myself and listed as Gracie and Tom exchanged their vows.

"Maid of honour speech!" Dylan and Jay shouted an hour into the reception. Just after we finished eating. Everyone clapped as I stood and walked onto the small stage. I took the microphone from the nearby table and looked around at everyone. Parents had managed to calm their children down, and everyone was looking at me, smiling big. I took a deep breath, and sighed into the microphone.
"I don't even know where to start with these two" I say, shaking my head, smiling. The crowd chuckled. "I met them both in our senior year at boarding school. Instantly, I knew they were destined to be together forever. Not some high school relationship crap" I started. "Only a few out of the millions of high school relationships last out side of high school" I continued, and looked to our long table, where Gracie and Tom sat in the centre, and then Jay on the end next to my empty seat, and Dylan and Fletcher on the other side of Tom. "I think we all owe God big time for letting these guys be one of the few. Cause let's face it; the rest of the gang, including myself, wouldn't know who's side to be on if they broke up" everyone laughed, and they all agreed by nodding. "I'm totally kidding. But, I am thankful you guys made it out of high school, and are still together, seven years on" I paused. "There hasn't been a moment where either have cried from the other hurting them, and they're always there for each other when the other is hurt" I swallowed hard, remembering Kenzie. "The seventh member of our gang couldn't be here today" my voice came out hoarsely. "But, I do know, that she would be incredibly proud, of the both of you" I smiled at them and saw the five of them tearing up at the memory of Kenzie. "I know that if she were here, she'd be up here next to me, helping me give this speech, but she'd make it a kick ass speech, whereas I'm here, almost crying" I laughed into the microphone, the others laughing a bit too, only a few knowing about Kenzie and that I was talking about her. I cleared my throat. "So, on behalf of myself and Kenzie" my voice broke slightly and I smiled at Tom and Gracie. "I'd like to make a toast. To the new couple; together until time ends" I raise my glass of champagne, and everyone follows suit.
"Together until time ends" they all repeated together, and everyone started chattering again as the music started in the background and I placed the microphone down before walking back to the table, immediately hugging Gracie.
"That was beautiful" she whispered in my ear. "I love you Sammy. Thank you for not leaving me" she choked out and fanned her eyes to stop the tears from falling.
"I love you too Gracie. I'm never leaving you" I promised and we sat back down and began talking. I caught Fletcher's eye every now and then, as we talked and laughed like we were back in senior year. Except, without Kenzie. I sighed as a slow song started; Show me Love, by The Wanted. Wow, old song... Still good though. Tom and Kenzie went to the dance floor and joined the other couples dancing slowly, holding each other and moving slightly. Jay and Dylan both left too, dancing with Bree and Jordan, their partners at the wedding. Fletcher and I were left sitting at the now empty table, watching the dance floor slowly fill with couples.
The song had barely started when I heard him clear his throat. I looked to him at the other end of the table as the singer started singing. He nodded his head in the direction of the dance floor, smiling. I sighed and stood up, biting back a smile as we walked to the dance floor and stood together. His hands rested on my waist, and mine on his shoulders. We were a fair way apart, and awkwardly shuffling. He sighed and his hands joined behind my lower back, bringing me into him closer. I looked up to him, and saw he was looking at me, the same look in his eyes.
"Now I'm lost in the distance... You look at me like a stranger... Cause how it looks right now to me... Nothing can save us" Fletcher sang quietly in my ear, breathing out the last line as the song went into the chorus. My body stiffened slightly as his hot breath hit my ear and neck. I joined my hands behind his neck, practically hugging, and we swayed slightly as the song kept going.
I stepped back when it came to a close, and felt myself tearing up, remembering he's engaged.
"I- I'm just gonna... get some... fresh air" I stuttered and walked away from him, tears threatening to spill as I slipped out of the room and outside. I watched for traffic before rushing across the street and into Central Park again, sitting on the bench overlooking the pond. I was there for ten minutes, sitting in silence, before he reappeared.


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