Chapter 44

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I pulled back after a few minutes, before any tongues got involved. He pouted, I giggled.

"That wasn't fair" he said. He went in for another, but I moved back, then he frowned. "Ouch" he muttered and let got of my hips, and my hands went back to my sides.

"Sorry" I mumbled. He shook his head.

"It's fine. Hey, you should go to bed. It's pretty late, and you've got to be on your feet all day before fashion week starts" he says. I nod slightly.

"Okay. I'll uh, see you in the morning" I tell him. He smiled and I left for my own room. I went straight to bed and sighed.

I just had a sort-of makeout session with Fletcher. And I kind of enjoyed it. Oh stop kidding yourself Sammy. You loved it. And you hate yourself for breaking it apart. You're scared that it's going to end badly. Take a risk! Don't let your life go to waste! A voice in the back of my head was giving me a mini-pep talk. I chuckled to myself at the thought of that. I rolled under the covers and listened to the heavy rain outside to get myself to sleep.

1:43am. My alarm clock was shining in the pitch black room. I've been lying in bed, awake, for half an hour almost. I can't stop making up scenarios and thinking about the 'what if's of life. Like, 'what if I didn't stop kissing him?' 'What if we tried again?' I've come to only one conclusion; none of these questions would be answered, unless... I kissed Fletcher again. I have to. I mean, I want to, but I need to so I can know if anything's still there between us. Yes. That. I'll go with that reason.

I need to kiss Fletcher again so I can move on.

Nodding once to myself in the dark, I got out of my bed and walked silently out of my room at to his now shut door. I could see from the bottom of the door that he was awake, because a bright light spilled out of the small gap. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. I heard him chuckle and a minute passed before he opened it, still. Since I was nervously looking at the ground, my eyes got caught staring at his abs. He cleared his throat and I looked up, blushing, and him smirking with his eyebrows raised.

"What can I do for you, Sammy?" he asked. I opened my mouth to tell him, but then a thought crossed my mind; screw it. Just go for it! So, I stood on my tiptoes and smashed my lips to his. He was shocked so I pulled away slightly, just now finding my voice and confidence.

"Come on, Fletcher. You know what's going on. Kiss back" I smirk. His expression mirrored mine and he connected our lips again.

Hey guys, late uploads, short chapters, it's all not good really. I still don't know what the go is with getting my computer fixed or buying a new one all together, so my chapters are still as short as a mouses tail :( I'll upload a few at a time so it seems longer, and I'll defiantly work on the length situation!
Let me know what you think; what do you think is gonna happen? Will they finally be together again? What would you like to see happen with Sammy and Fletcher?

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