Chapter 38

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"Thanks for letting me stay" I said again as I entered the bedroom after changing into my pyjamas.

"You know, anything for you Sammy. Always" he says and pulls me into a hug, holding me and kissing my head. "Here, we can share the bed" he says and gets under the covers. I hop into the other side and sighed. "Goodnight, Sammy" he says, sleepily.

"Goodnight, Jack" I whisper and fall asleep.

"Hey Joel" I say in the morning, going to the kitchen where he was sitting at the table.

"Morning Sammy. Sleep well?" he asked, munching on some toast. I put some in for myself and lean on the bench.

"Yeah. Jack's bed is so comfy" I say. He chuckled and put his plate into the dishwasher.

"Are you going out today?" he asked me and leaned on the bench opposite me.

"Nope. Got a few days off work. Meant to be on sick leave" I sighed. He raised an eyebrow, amused.

"And why don't you want to go into work?" he asked. His dirty blonde hair fell just above his eyes, and his deep brown eyes shone with amusement.

"Fashion week starts Monday. Need to get away from the hectic-ness at the office" I say and my toast popped up.

"Yep. You're so much like Jack" he chuckled. "He went for a run not too long ago" he told me and went to his room, probably to get ready for the day. I sat at the table and ate while looking out the large window, at the busy morning streets of New York.

"Hello?" I finally answered my phone. It's been ringing all morning. Calls and text from Gracie, Dylan, Jay and Tom. Even Jedd tried. I finally picked up on the third time Jedd called.

"Sammy! Where the fuck have you been?!" he yelled into the phone. I heard people rushing around him.

"I'm at Jack's. Calm down" I sighed, annoyed.

"What, you didn't think to pick up the phone and answer one of the hundred calls you've got?! Everyone's worried sick about you!"

"Okay, Jedd. Whatever" I grumble. I didn't have time for this.

"Whatever?! Sammy, call Gracie to tell her you're alive. She's freaking out the most, and I don't even know why! She's on the verge of tears and filing a missing persons report!" he shouted again.

"Okay, I'll call her now. Bye" I hung up and pressed speed dial 1. It barely rang before she answered.


"Hey Gracie. I'm so sorry for not answering your calls. I didn't even thing of how worried you'd get" I apologise quickly. She sighed.

"It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay" she said. "Where are you anyway? Fletcher said you didn't come home. He was really worried" I scoffed.

"I'm at Jack's. You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you" I say and tell her what happened.

"Sammy, I get why you're pissed. I am too, but let's face it; the poor girl didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know she was wearing a dead girl's clothes" Gracie said.

"You're too forgiving for your own good" I comment. I could just see her smiling in victory.

"Well she didn't know right from wrong" she paused. "We should go through her room soon" my body stiffened.

"I don't know, Gracie... I mean, I broke down when I saw the door opened slightly. And I didn't cry that much at the funeral" I say, not sure.

"I know. It's going to be hard, but better get it over and done with" her voice slightly shook. "We'll get all the guys in... sort everything out into some boxes, and send them to her parents. They deserve to have them more than us. Then they can decide what to do with everything; what they want to give away and what they want to keep" she says. I stayed silent for a minute then sighed.

"Alright, but after fashion week is done" I say.

"Deal. I got to go, Sammy. Doctors appointment. I'll call you tomorrow"

"Okay, bye" I hang up and sat in silence, lost in my own thoughts.

Joel had gone to work at 9, and Jack came home just as he was leaving, then left at 10 for work too. So, I was alone until 4 or 5 tonight when they were due to get back in.

How fun.


So, Sammy's at Jake's house. If you don't remember who Jake is (first book), he's her childhood friend who she used to spend summers in the Hamptons with. He's played by Chase Crawford... Remember him now? Fantastic.

Also, I updated 7 chapters cause I know they're short and I'm so out of date for updates sorry!


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