Chapter 35

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3 weeks later

Things with Fletcher haven't been as awkward anymore. We only see and talk to each other in the early mornings, if we cross paths, and at night, when we finish work. Which most nights so far has only been a few hours before bed for me. Fashion week is coming up next week and it's been hectic in the modelling business. I'm just slightly glad I was home with the flu, so I could sit out of a day on my feet before spending 24/7 on them for the next week. I'll only get a few hours of sleep a night during this week. It always happens. I'm usually on model duty; make sure they're at the show on time, then backstage and getting ready on time, and most importantly, I have to make sure they've drunken a whole bottle of water and eaten something, like a sandwich or fruit. Then, I have to make sure they go out in the right order at the right time.

I slept in until 11, and decided to curl up on the couch to watch old Disney films for the day with chicken soup, while I listened to the February rain fall outside.

I was watching The Little Mermaid, up to the part where Eric's ship sets on fire, when the front door slammed open, making me jump. I paused the movie and saw Fletcher coming in, soaked through from the rain, and someone behind him.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you were home. We were in the middle of a run when it started bucketing down again" he said and continued to the kitchen.

"That's fine. Startled me, is all" I said, faking a smile and the girl stood awkwardly, covering her torso and chest up, where her shirt stuck to her skin, soaked through as well.

"Oh, this is Dana. Dana, this is my roommate, Sammy" Fletcher introduced. I smiled and stood up.

"I'm just going to go for a shower. Been lying around all day" I chuckle nervously and go to my room. I figured they'd be here a while so I just left them to it.

Fletcher's POV

"Uh, I'm just going to change into some dry clothes. You can go get some from Sammy if you like" I said to Dana. She was a nice girl. Keeps looking at me during our sessions, which is slightly creepy and weird.

"Okay, thanks. Which door?" she asked perkily.

"Um, on the right" I said and went into my own room to change. I really hoped Sammy didn't get the wrong message with Dana. Wait. Maybe, if she thought something was going on, she'd get jealous... I don't even know. I'm hopelessly in love with Sammy, and she doesn't even know.

I sighed and put a dry top on before going back to the lounge room to wait for Dana, and then for the rain to let up.

"She wasn't in there. I just took something from the closet. She won't mind, will she?" Dana asked, coming out in some cute shorts and a t-shirt.

"Nah, it'll be fine. I'll put your things into the dryer and we'll go when they're done" I say and take her soaking clothes from her and chuck them into the dryer and switch it on.

We left half an hour later, Sammy still in the shower, so we just left her clothes Dana borrowed on the back of the couch and left, with umbrellas this time.


Brace yourselves for a blow up next chapter...


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