Chapter 33

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When I heard the heater turn on, I knew Fletcher was home. I'd been in the bath about half an hour, and I felt great. I felt like I could face him now without yelling at him, so I slowly and carefully got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around myself before pulling the plug to let the water drain.

I dried off and walked to my closet. I put on clean underwear and didn't bother with a bra, since it was usually uncomfortable sleeping in one, so instead, I put on a black singlet and a white sweatshirt with 'More Issues Than Vogue' written on it. It was very big, and hung over my butt. But, it was cold, so I put on plain black leggings; comfy but presentable.

I gathered up enough courage, after sitting on my bed and pacing my room for half an hour, I heard him out in the lounge room and kitchen moving around, so I opened my door and walked out, not looking back.

When I came out of the hallway, I saw him standing in the kitchen, a pizza box sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch, which had two of the softest blankets I own, and my favourite 'chick flick' movie on the main menu flashing on the TV; The Notebook. It's classed as an 'old classic' now, but I didn't care. It was still one of my all time favourite movies. I tried not to smile at the sight of everything. He heard me as I walked out, and his head snapped up to look at me.

"Oh good, you're out. I was getting worried. The pizza's going cold" he says nervously and walks to the couch, sitting down and putting a blanket on himself. I follow suit, turning the light off on the way, and take the other blanket. He pressed play on the film and I reached out to open the box. He watched me cautiously, and when I opened the box, I turned to him.

"Why are you watching me?" I asked, leaving the top of the box open. He nervously chuckled and nodded to the box. Confused, I look at it, and on the inside of the lid there was a message, written in Fletcher's scrawny handwriting, which hadn't improved from school, apparently.

'I'm sorry' it said in big letters. A small smile found its way onto my face and I looked at him.

"You're forgiven" I roll my eyes and hand him a slice of pizza.

"Good. I don't think I could handle living with you, knowing you're pissed at me" he chucked and ate it. He opened his mouth to say more but I shushed him when the movie started.


I wrote this ages ago, and reading through it again made my heart melt *insert heart-eyed emoji here*

Fletcher makes me swoon even though I created him

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