Chapter 50

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"Wow, Dyl. Sexy" Gracie laughed from Kenzie's closet. Dylan was strutting around the bedroom in a hat, scarf, and heels. Stumbling, would be more suitable.

"I know, right? I should've walked in the Vera Wang show, not you Sammy" he jokes and falls over, making us crack up laughing. He helped himself up with one of the boxes. We had just about finished packing everything into boxes. There were about eight of her clothes and shoes, which Dylan had gone through to make an outfit for himself, and loads of others, holding her other things. I was sat on the bed, looking through the computer, for something that's interesting. My mind went somewhere else when my eyes stopped on something interesting. I frowned, and stopped scrolling.

"Guys" I say. They kept fooling around with some things, not hearing me. "Guys!" I shout. They all look to me. I look up, meeting Fletcher's worried eyes, then all their eyes, equally as worried. "Let me read this to you. I haven't read it yet, by the way" I say and double click to open the file.

Kenzie's POV (1 Year before)

I could hear Sammy's laugh from inside my room. Her laugh was the best I've heard, though I've noticed lately it's different to her real laugh. It's always more... happier, when she's with Fletcher. Of course, she hasn't spoken to him since senior year, before he left. Unless you count angry texts, but I don't. I don't like texting to be the last form of communication I have with someone. I like to speak to people face-to-face, unless I know I'm going to see them. Skype is a real help with my parents and I talking.

I reached to pick up my computer from the floor and flopped onto my bed, getting into my usual comfy writing position, and switched it on. When it loaded, I opened a new document, expecting to write a new chapter about Jay, but my fingers had a mind of their own as they typed the five words; 'Formal Will Of Mackenzie Parker'. I went down a couple of lines and began. I didn't know what a real will looked like, so I just went with whatever my fingers were doing.

'I'd be damned if I knew what a proper will was meant to say, but I'm here writing one anyway.

If I am to die before I write a proper will, I want this to be read to the following people, who should all be together in a room:



-Dylan (brother)

-Gracie Dell

-Tom Wells

-Sammy Dylan

-Jay Sanders

-Fletcher Moore

-My children (if I have any)

When they are all together in a room, first, I don't want them to be disturbed until they're ready. If they're crying, wait until they're done. If they're talking with each other, don't interrupt them.'

I paused, thinking of what to write next. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I call out and hide the document. Gracie stood there, Tom behind her, both of them grinning like fools in love - which they were.

"We're going for Chinese. Come on" she grinned. I shut my laptop and followed them out, the rest of the gang waiting by the front door, Jedd, Sammy's cousin, there too.

As we rode the elevator down, my phone buzzed with a text message. I checked it hiding, but not noticeably.

'Hey Kenz! I get back tomorrow. Lunch? Usual? Let me know x'

It was from Miranda. I smiled and turned it off, deciding I'd call her later on. Right now, I was spending time with my best friends. I just... I wished, always wished, that Fletcher was here. It's so clear that Sammy still loves him, even though no one's spoken about him for ages. I know, when she brings guys home, that she is doing it to forget about him. I know, when she walks inside in the morning in the day before's clothes, hung over, that she felt miserable and wanted to forget. I never spoke to her about it, though. One day, I'm going to put her and Fletcher in a room together and lock the door and make them sort their shit out. I should also make sure there aren't any kind of weapons in the room...


Heeeeyyyy don't hate me please!
I've been gone for a while, so I thought I owed you all more than one chapter, so I gave you five!
I'm going to try and upload regularly, but my schedule's pretty full on, so don't hold me against it.

Hope you all still enjoy this and please have faith in me, I will get to the end of this book before the end of the year – I promise!


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