Chapter 19

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"Well. I'd like to see you try" I say, trailing my fingers up his arm, which was bare until his shoulders, where his shirt sleeves were rolled up to. He shivered under my touch and smirked.
"It goes a little something like this" he says and smashes his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in sync and I dropped my jacket onto the bar, my arms wrapping around his shoulders and my fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck. I smirked and rested my forehead against his, looking down at his soft, plump, pink lips. I looked up into his brown eyes, which were still full of lust. He grasped my thighs and lifted me quickly and smoothly onto the end of the bar and stood in the V of my legs, hands resting on my upper thighs, and kissed me again.
His tongue slipped into my mouth and danced around with mine as my fingers continued to play with his hair, and his slipped further up my thighs before resting on my hips. I left his mouth and kissed heatedly down his jaw and neck, leaving a love bite above his collar bone, to which he moaned attractively, and he slid me off the bar and held me up by my bum, my legs wrapped around his waist, locked behind him. His lips connected to mine again as he walked us to what I assume was his room, and laid me down on his bed, lips still locked.
He began kissing down my neck as I had him, and as I felt him start to give me a love bite, I stopped him.
"I have a wedding in two days, no marks" I breathe out. He nodded but continued to kiss my neck and along my collar bones, thankfully, not leaving any marks.

A/N: I know, I know, it's been ages since I've updated this story. That's why I put up 2 chapters instead of 1! I've got about 15+ chapters drafted for this story, and still not to the end yet. I might make it into a trilogy, to shorten the length of the book.
What do you guys think?


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