Chapter 60

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"I hate this part of the job" he said, looking away. I squeezed Sammy's hand. He sighed again. "As I'm sure you're all aware, there was blood pressure against his brain and skull. From the fall, he also got majority of his ribs broken, along with his arm broken in three places, and leg in four" he listed to us. Sammy's grip on my hand tightened and he continued. "We were able to get metal plates and such into his arm and leg to bring the breaks together for them to heal, but the broken, slightly shattered ribs were a big problem. His left lung was punctured, and the bleeding in his skull was not able to be stopped properly. It was rushing out from his brain, making it very difficult to stop" he looked to each one of us in turn. "I'm assuming you're his daughter? I was told he had a daughter" he said to Sammy. She was staring at the door all the doctors came out of, not listening anymore.

"Yes, she is his daughter. My mom and I are close family friends" I tell him, and he nodded.

"We put him onto life support, for personal reasons, for you to say goodbye properly. But, we will need to take him off very soon" the doctor tells us. Sammy looked up to me sadly.

"How long?" I asked for her. He sighed and turned to walk away.

"Half an hour" he said and left us.

"Come on, Sammy" I said and led her into the room. He was laying on the white bed, a sheet covering his lower body, and cords sticking out of him, connected to the machine beeping very slowly behind him. His eyes were shut, and his lips light purple. I heard Sammy let out a shaky breath as we stood at the end of the bed, my mom out in the hall. She didn't want to intrude on this.

"I'll wait outside for you" I say and let go of her hand, immediately missing the warmth of it. She grabbed my arm frantically.

"Please, Fletcher. Please stay with me" she pleaded, her bottom lip shaking. I nod and wrap an arm around her.

"Go say goodbye, Sammy" I whisper and kiss her head. She steps away and sits on the side of the bed, taking his hand and looking down to it.

"It's so cold, Fletch" she says in a croaky voice. "So, so cold" she added. I stayed where I was standing, not wanting to affect this for her.

Sammy's POV

I knew he wouldn't leave me here alone. I knew he would stand there and wait. And that's why I... I love him. Yes, I love Fletcher. Surprise, surprise. Whatever.

I can't believe I'm sitting here, next to my dad. He's dead. My dead dad. On life support, just so I can say a 'proper goodbye'. The more I think about it the more I think it's stupid. It's exactly what I was talking about months ago with Fletcher, after Kenzie's funeral. About life taking the good ones too soon. I mean, my dad wasn't the youngest, but he's still a good person, and had a long time to go until he should've died. He should've died peacefully of old age, knowing he's changed his school for the better and left it in good hands. No by jumping from a window to escape a raging fire in his life-long work.

I was starting to get angry, but taking one look at his pale, washed out and sunken face, bought me back to reality and I knew this was real.

I can't believe it's real. I don't want to believe it's real. I want to call his cell and have him pick up with a cheery tone, like always. I want to hear about his new ideas for the school, and how the soccer team went in the tournament. I don't want to plan a funeral for him, or have to say goodbye for the last time. I don't want to. I just don't.


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