Chapter 12

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My heart literally stopped beating, and fell to my ass. Classy, right? I know. My breath was caught in my throat, and as I looked around, I saw all of them looking at me for a reaction.

"That jerk! How dare he!" Gracie yelled. I laughed at her.

"Gracie, he can get engaged if he wants. I don't care" I said, faking a laugh. Truth is, I did care. I felt betrayed. Lost. Confused. If he was engaged, why did he sleep in the same bed as me last night? Wouldn't she be mad about it? Would he of told her? Did he even say the real reason as to why he was coming to New York? Probably not. It's Fletcher we're talking about here. I was right. He's a closed off person. It doesn't seem like it, but when you've known him as long as I have, you know he's a very closed off person. What he expresses isn't even an eighth of what's on his mind.

"Aren't you the least bit upset?" Jay asked, shocked. I shook my head.

"Nope. Maybe if it was a few years ago, but I'm over him now" I say confidently. They all believed me, but Jay gave me that look he gives me too often. The one that says 'I know you're lying and I'll corner you later and get the truth out of you'. Yes, there's a look for that.

"If you're sure..." Tom says unsure. I smile at them and the movie comes back on.

Fletcher's POV

"Morning babe" Sienna coo's in the morning and kissed my lips. She picked up my top that was carelessly discarded last night on the floor and slipped it on over her naked chest, and she slipped her panties back on too before leaving her bedroom, swaying her hips a little. Little too much, actually. I know I admitted to myself yesterday that I loved Sammy, but what was I meant to do? Say no when Sienna came home, fully sober, might I add, and threw herself at me? I am a guy, after all. And I have full rights to tap that ass, so why would I pass it up? Although, we didn't actually do the full thing last night. Just uh, touching and such, before she stopped.

I put my boxers and sweatpants back on and followed where she went and saw her in the kitchen. This is what I was explaining to Sammy the other night. About waking up to someone next to you, and then seeing them in the kitchen making breakfast. It's meant to be the person you love, but since New York, I knew I didn't want this with Sienna. I wanted this with Sammy.

"Hey, Sienna"

"Fletcher" we both said at the same time, making us laugh.

"You go" I nodded to her. She sighed and took the bacon from the pan and put it on the plate.

"I-I don't know how to say this..." she says wearily. I picked up a bit of bacon and put it in my mouth. "So I'm just going to come right out and say it" she stood tall, confident. I noticed the engagement ring not on her finger. Odd... "I'm pregnant" she said. I started choking on the food in my mouth. That's why we didn't do the full thing last night.

"What? How?" I asked, frowning. "I know how, but like, we always use protection" I say, frowning. She looked away from me and down to the floor. A funny feeling started in my stomach.

"I think I should give this back first" she says and hands me a small black velvet box; the one which her ring came in. I opened it and saw it sitting in it's place. I look back at her, guilt written all over her face, and I knew what was coming next.

"It was Mark, wasn't it" I growled. Mark; her 'friend' from college. They met first year there, and have been inseparable ever since. I've hung out with him a few times. She just nodded. I sighed.

"You're not mad?" she asked, her voice small.

"No" I shook my head. "We knew this wasn't going to last long. We would've ended up divorced three years down the track" I said and ran my hand through my hair.

"I know... I'm sorry Fletcher. I did love you" she said, placing her hand on mine.

"I know you did. I loved you too, Sienna. What do you say; last breakfast, as friends?" I offer. She smiled and nodded.

"I'd love to eat bacon with you one last time" she said, laughing slightly.

Lost LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora