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(This all takes place in the present except Tord is there and there is no giant robot and Tom's room isn't a swimming pool! yet! And ye. This is my first story, so no hate pls. Okay enjoy~)

Edd's P.O.V (point of view)

It's really quiet today..Too quiet.... Tord is sitting on the couch watching TV, Tom is playing his guitar at his room peacefully and Ringo is sleeping on my lap as I draw. Yeah. Today is definitely calm. Oh wait. Where is Matt-

All of a sudden, the door busted opened by Matt's foot. I sighed. 

"Hey guys! Look what I got at a garage sale!" Matt smiled. Tom came out of his room to see what he was holding. Tord looked over the couch. We stayed silent for a while. 

".... and?" I added. 

"I can't believe they gave it to me!" Matt jumped. "It's just a little box." I sweat. 

"Well, it looks valuable!" "Honestly, It looks like a plastic toy chest." Tord spoke. "I can't wait to..." Matt gave a very cringe looking face at us. I shivered.

"Look Matt, just put it with the rest of your junk." said Tom, disinterested. 

"I bet something valuable is inside!" Matt ignored Tom's comment.

 Tord spoke again, "Like I said, it's a plastic toy chest. It's not like something valuable will be insid- what are you doing with my car keys?" "I'm going to open it!" Exclaimed Matt. "I'm pretty sure you'll need a specific key to open that." Tord told him. Matt put the key inside the hole and it clicked. Oh, so it opened.

Pfffftt. That's unbelievable. How did Tord's car keys work? Ah. wait. All of a sudden, Light came out of the box.

Tom's P.O.V (point of view)

The light came out of the box. The light filled the whole house. It was so bright- I couldn't see a thing. Or is that confusing? I have pitch black eyes, so It's kind of confusing. 

Now the light was dimming a little. Then it stopped. I looked around and everyone was just scattered everywhere. 

"...... What just happened?" I asked. No one was in the room but me. 

I kind of feel taller now.. for some reason. "See, Matt? Nothing was in the chest. Just a stupid blinding light." Then I heard a very high pitch scream from upstairs. Tord came running towards me, grabbing me by the sweater.



"What? Tord! What the hell's wrong with you?! That was the most high pitch scream I have ever heard from you. And why did you call me Edd? Edd's right-" I face a mirror. Is Edd inside a mirror now? No.... wait. That's definitely me. 

"Holy jar of jam in a working jet pack..!" I mumbled. 

*tug* I felt Tord pulling the back of my hoodie. "Hold on. Wait-" "COME ON EDD WE NEED TO FIND MY GLORIOUS FACE." "OKAY WAIT- Matt. Is that you?" I asked him. 

"Yes! AND I FOUND MYSELF IN A REINDEER'S BODY!" Matt hollered. I almost laughed. 

"That's Tord.." I told him. "Well, I always kind of considered him as a reindeer since he has these... um two things popping out of his head." Matt explained. "Oh yeah." "Yeah! That's what makes him a reindeer." And now I'm just laughing.

Now Matt's body found us. He was shocked to see me. So, that's Edd? 

"Tord" stared at him and yelled, "MY BODYYYY!" Matt's body was startled. He started chasing his own body. 


"H-hey! Matt? Is that you?" He yelled. He kept chasing his body. I looked around to see my body walked in. 

"My vision is terrible..." My body said. 

"...Why is my body chasing Matt?" Oh.. So that's Tord in my body.. 

"Okay.. So let me get this straight.." I started. The two stopped running. "That light in that chest made us switch bodies. Edd switched to Matt's body, Matt in Tord's, Tord in mine.. and I'm in Edd's." Multiple of my hands pointed at me. 

"...Are we going to stay like this forever?! I don't want to be in this body!" Matt shrieked. 

"What's wrong with my body?" Tord looked dissed. 

"I'm pretty sure we'll go back to normal! First we'll need to find help!" said Edd, with courage.

"But how can we switch back?" Tord asked. "That's the problem.." Edd responded. 

"I don't know."

(Halp I can't make fanfic-)


(Excalibur was here)






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