Who Is This?

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Hi Fam

Me: Matt?

Me: Matt, you there?

Me: Mattttttttt

Me: Matt text back, it's been 10 minutes already

Me: Matt, pls respond..

Me: Matt you're scaring me



Me: pleaaaassseeeee


Matt: Who is this?

Me: Your bud, Tord

Matt: This guy is named Matt too?

Me: Ah jeez. Where's my friend?

Me: And I'll explain to you if you give him back

Matt: Are you a thug? Thief? Military Government Spy?

Me: What the hell-- no? 

Me: Well, I mean, I used to be a leader of an army, but..



Me: I said "used to" okay? Give my friend back, he's not a spy.

Edd: Yeah, give him back!

Matt: Wait, this is a group chat?

Matt: And there's another Edd??

Tom: Matt's probably fu**ing with us

Tom: C'mon, admit it.

Matt: I have an identical person here. He looks like me. I'm assuming you guys look like my friends?

Me: Yes, yes, we do. Give him back. Where are you anyway?

Matt: Inside the place you guys are looking at.

Edd: How could you tell we're here?

Matt: The cameras. We're locked up in the security room to be safe. We have him here.

Me: Then, you know what we look like?

Matt: No, you guys are facing down. I can't tell. The camera is way up high.

Edd: Alright, but do we have to go inside? Looks scary.

Tom: Why don't you guys come over to the front?

Matt: No way.

Me: Why? You scared?

Matt: No. I'm scared of dying. Come over here.

Me: Well, we're scared of dying too! C'mere!

Matt: Nah. Bye.


An important part of the real chapter because I wrote things down, but I forgot to mention why Matt was kinda gone. And I got lazy to delete the stuff, so here.

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