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haven't updated in a while, sorry :3

Tom's P.O.V (point of view)

Edd surprisingly stood up by himself, which caught me by surprise. He stretched widely, trying to straighten himself up. I bring up a question,

"Edd? Did you do something stupid again?" 

"Psh. No. Saving people isn't stupid, so." Edd replied.

"You got me there."

We checked to see if everyone was alright. Some died, but luckily it wasn't us. It was just some of the food guys here. A squiggle teleportation appeared where the exit was. That meant that someone was coming over here.

It was Ww! Matt. He came back, very worried. Ww! Tom drags him politely and tells him not to abandon them again, especially when we would be at the urge of death.

We surround the beast and eventually, the knights of this "Princess" carried it to the back of the castle. Either they were going to execute it or throw it out. Or... Cook it?

All of us had no idea what to do, so we found the time to clean up and such. Me and Edd try to clean up the blood and all the mess. The Ww! Guys had time to restore the weapons. Matt and Tord had to help rebuild things. As dumb as he is, Matt was the one who made the mess even worse.

It does feel peaceful, but I have a terrible feeling still inside. I wonder what Edd did or saw? What does he feel?


Matt's P.O.V (point of view)

Everything got cleaned up. I was still kind of upset that I messed up a lot. I hate when people remind me that I'm just a stupid forgotten one. Not only that..... I LIKED MY WORLD BETTER THAN HERE! I WAS PLACED KING IN THAT FROZEN WONDERLAND! We gotta head home quickly.

We all were called to the Sprite Princess' castle. I hoped that we got a prize. And although Ww! Matt didn't do anything, he's still me! He should get a prize.

But unfortunately, only Tom got a prize, since he was the one who killed that dinosaur first. 

"MRGGGGG!!!!!!!!" I whined.

"Whining won't do anything, idiot." Tom flicked me off.

The Sprite Princess gave Tom a little control thing with a big, red button. She informed,

"This will allow you to teleport to time or where ever. You must've wanted to go through our portal, right? I'm afraid it's just a display. You may use this tool instead."

"Thank you very much!" Edd thanks.

"Thank you!"



The Sprite Princess bowed and gave Tom just a peck on the forehead. I was filled with jealously, so I murmured a bit. Tom was completely disgusted and left the room to go to the back, since the knights said we were going to celebrate a ceremony with us and the rest of the citizens. 

We got outside at the back of the castle and saw the dinosaur tied up to a wooden pole and set it on fire. Everyone enjoyed and yelled with joy. Edd and Tom seemed satisfied, having a weird expression on their faces.

We all called this a bonfire and every food person danced around. I danced with Tord and Ww! Matt, because he looked lonely. He called me Tord, but I told him that I was basically him, so I just reminded him.

When I passed by, Tom was already drunk again. He was drinking an actual live Alcohol bottle. That poor Alcohol bottle. His blood was already gone and drained out by Tom. Edd yelled at Tom, telling him not to fill his body with Alcoholic fluids.

Every person keeps dancing and having fun until they were tired and sleepy. Some even passed out, which I was worried about. I felt like I was drunk at that time, but I didn't even drink anything. I just felt so tired, but I didn't want to stop dancing and snacking.

Whoo.... I'm so tired..

Tord's P.O.V (point of view)

After that party, we woke up from the snow ground. I felt so cold that I could scream. But I didn't want to scream because my scream is weird. I only scream when a bunch of people do so I can blend that scream in.

Anyway, we found out that the food people went straight home and it was just us here, in the back of a castle.

"So.... What now?" Ww! Tom asks.

"Dunno." Ww! Edd mumbled.

"Now... They have to go home. And we do too." Ww! Matt mentions.

"Ah, of course! Tom, do you have that teleporter?" Edd questions Tom.

"Mmhm." Tom grabs out the teleportation device. Let's hope that we actually travel through time again.

We all say our goodbyes and thank yous. We promised each other that we'll possibly see each other again if we had the chance. I doubt we will.

"See you again! Thank you and you're welcome!" Ww! Tord winks at Matt. Matt smiles. I get uncomfortable.

The four of us take deep breaths and smile. We all raised out hands and punch the big red button. The Wrongsworld guys exhaled and smiled at each other.

But then, Ww! Tom realized something and blurted out, "Matt, did you leave the fridge open?! We need to get out of here too!"

Ww! Matt freaked out and quietly, BARELY muttered, "Oh no."



Ah, I wrote the whole script. This story is almost coming to an end :)


It's okay tho. I'll write extras. I will write an extra at the end about the Opposite! AU meeting the Eddsworld guys.


Next Chapter: Final Wonderland


The Wrongsworld crew was here :)


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