Chapter 7

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I've spent the last two months with Lily and Regulus.

Lily doesn't know I'm friends with Regulus, but when I'm not with Regulus I'm with Lily and vise versa.

It's now the beginning of June, meaning we're leaving Hogwarts for break soon!

I'm actually in the library with Lily now, as she says we should scan a few books about next years lessons. Which I thought was stupid.

I sat at the table. Occasionally flipping pages to make sure it looked like I was actually reading.
I just wanted to get out of there. We've been there for three hours.

I was about to tell Lily I'd like to go, but before I could she slammed her book close and exclaimed,

I bolted up, grabbing the book and shoving it on the book shelf before running out of the library. 

I turned the corner leading into a large corridor. But not getting far before I ran into a group of boys that had just walked out of detention, falling to the ground in the process.

I mentally groaned. Trying to push myself up off the ground. But I was way to tired, and just felt like staying on the floor.

I laid black and turned my head to where my right cheek was against the ground, closing my eyes.

"Hello floor," I said with a sigh.
"Umm, what are you doing Claire?" Remus's voice questions.
"I am greeting the ground. As I am way to tired to get up and go to bed," I mumbled.

I could feel all four of their eyes on me.

"It's only 3 in the afternoon," Potter stated.
"Yeah. But I was just in the library with Lily for three hours," I groaned.
"I could take you to your room," Black offered.
"You can't go up the stairs to the girls dorms though."
But instead of answering me, he picked me up bridal style, and started walking towards the Gryffindor common room.

Feeling way to tired to protest, I snuggled up against his warm chest.


I picked Claire up bridal style to carry her to bed, expecting her to protest. But she didn't.

She must've been really tired, because she snuggled up against me. Her eyes still closed.

My heart stopped for a second as I watched the beautiful girl in my arms.

I thought she was asleep, but she muttered something that only I heard, as the guys continued walking like nothing happened.

"Your chest is really warm Sirius."

I smiled down at her.
Not only did she just compliment my warm chest. But she called me Sirius.

We reached the common room, which was empty, and made our way up to our dormitory as we couldn't go to the girls'.

I laid Claire down on my bed, and laid down next to her so that I was facing her.
Making sure there was a decent sized gap in between us, I put my elbow on the pillow and held my head up with my hand so I could talk to the guys as Claire slept.

Now I'd like to make it clear that Claire and I are both fully clothed, above the blankets, and there is a gap in between us, so when I say this, it doesn't mean I'm taking advantage of Claire.

Claire turned over and cuddled up against me.

I absentmindedly played with her hair as I talked to the guys, who were ignoring Claire.

This went on for awhile, but eventually Claire started stirring.

I watched as her gorgeous brown eyes fluttered open, and as they widened when she realized what was happening.

"Good morning beautiful," I greeted as her cheeks went red.
"Why am I here Black?!" Claire asked in a panic.

She got up from the bed and made her way to the door.

"Never mind! Goodbye! Don't speak of this ever again!" She exclaimed.
"Only if you go on a date with me!" I stated.

Claire looked me in the eye. I could see her eyes flash with anger, but calmed quickly.

"Fine. When though?" Claire asked.

Wait a minute.

Did she just agree to a date with me?

"Tomorrow?" I suggested. We only had three more days of school.
"I can't, I'm meeting Regulus somewhere tomorrow," Claire sighed.

Her eyes widened as she realized what she said.

"As in my brother Regulus?!" I questioned.
"You know what Black, I would love to go on a date with you tomorrow!" Claire panicked, running out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

What just happened?

First my crush lets me carry her to bed.

Then my crush agrees to a date with me.

And then I find out that my crush knows my brother.

You know what.
I'm not going to put to much thought into this.

Claire can have her friends.
And Regulus can have his friends.

As long as Regulus isn't hurting Claire I'm fine.

And yes, you heard me.
Claire is my crush.

Well I mean, she's more than a crush.

She's like Lily to James. And that's really saying something!

I don't just like her, I love her, and it's no secret to me.

I love Clairesse Felicity Bennet and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Well, actually. I am afraid of telling Clairesse that, cause she'd kill me.

Instead, I'll say. I love Claire Bennet and I'm not afraid to admit it!

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