Chapter 16

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~No One~

All was nothing but well as our seven favorite students laid in their beds on this Saturday afternoon.

Our three ladies were laying on their beds in different moods.

Lily was happily taking notes as she scanned her Charms book.

Camellia was angrily reading a Defense Against the Dark Arts book, that was turned to a chapter about werewolves. Much to Claire's interest.

Claire, however, was painting her toenails. Every so often glancing at Camellia and Lily.

Claire was upset. Actually. She was more than upset!

She was suffering heartbreak and the only person she has to comfort her is to busy defending the person that broke her heart in the first place!

Claire wanted nothing more than for the night to come.

This night. Was supposed to be huge.

No. There was no huge party tonight.

There was no huge Transfiguration test.


Tonight, is supposed to be the biggest storm Hogwarts has ever seen.

Claire was probably the only one in the school who was excited for this storm.

She was ready to dance in the rain with Snuffles!

Our four Marauders though. Were sprawled out lazily in there beds.

James was sleeping with one foot on his pillow, the other hanging off the side of the bed. Both hands in different directions as he snored loudly.

Sirius was sleeping with a foot off the edge of the bed, his other hanging off the other side of the bed, and both hands sprawled across his five pillows.

Peter was sleeping with his feet perched on the side of the bed as he laid on the ground sucking his thumb.

Remus, however, was not sleeping.
He was sitting with his back against the headboard as he stared at the same page he had been staring at for the past hour.

He to, was reading a book on werewolves.

But he was reading about the dangers of werewolves.

This page he'd been staring at, was definitely a page written by someone who wasn't a werewolf.

Our hero, Gideon Lockhart, has once again given us a 100 percent accurate glance at a deadly beast.
"The werewolf is probably the deadliest beast I've come across. It's claws so sharp it could kill in one swing. I've got a scar from a werewolf, goes from my collar bone to my knee. But what you really have to watch out for, is the bite. The bite of a werewolf has a 70 percent chance of killing its victim. Werewolves are monsters that should remain feared.
Anyone who doesn't fear a werewolf is a coward in my eyes." Gideon Lockhart says to the people in Diagon Alley.

Remus knew that Lockharts weren't the brightest. They were all liars. But this was probably the closest a Lockhart has gotten to truth.

If you hadn't guessed.

This night.

The night that Clairesse Bennet was longing to come.

The night that Sirius Black would turn into his animagus form and dance with the love of his life as a dog that she called Snuffles.

The night that two people with very different perspectives would come together and share a very special moment.

That special night was a not so special night in Remus John Lupin's eyes.

That night, was the night Remus would turn into the deadly beast he'd been reading about.

That night that Claire was yearning for, just so happens to be a full moon.

But of course, Remus didn't know that he may become the monster this book talks about if Claire goes out.

And Claire didn't know that if she went out tonight she may just be killed.

In fact.

The only person who could solve this situation.

Would be the one and only Sirius Black.

However. Sirius was busy sleeping so that he was prepared for the night of howls.

He was oblivious to the approaching storm.

They were all oblivious to the upcoming disaster.

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