Chapter 55

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It has only been a few weeks since Scarlett's birthday. Today being the sixteenth of September.

Sirius and I weren't working as it was a Sunday, and Scarlett was, as usual, up early.

"Hi Scarlett," I laughed as I walked into her room.
"Mummy!" Scarlett squealed as I lifted her out of her crib.

After changing her, I dressed her in gold leggings and a white shirt that said,
My fingers may be small but I've got my my daddy wrapped around them, in gold text.

Laughing to myself, I pulled her dark brown hair into the usual pigtails, this time wrapping gold bows around them.

"There baby," I laughed after putting white socks on her small feet.
"Where's daddy?" Scarlett questioned.
"I think he's still in bed. You want to wake him up?" I asked, picking her up.

Scarlett nodded, giggling as we walked down the hall.

"Make sure to show him your shirt," I whispered, opening the door quietly.

I struggled to move from the doorway as my eyes landed on Sirius.
His hair spread over his pillow, his lips slightly parted as he snored softly.

I reluctantly placed Scarlett at the bottom of the bed. Laughing as she ran over to him, jumping onto his stomach. Sirius groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"Daddy look at my shirt!" Scarlett exclaimed.

Sirius opened his eyes to look at her shirt, snorting after he had finished reading.

"Mummy pick it out?" Sirius sighed.
"How did you know?" I laughed, laying down next to him.
"Cause I don't think she can read," Sirius said, wrapping his arm around me.
"Ree?" Scarlett questioned.
"Read," I corrected her with a smile.

Scarlett nodded, her dark eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you want to eat?" Sirius asked after a second.
"Pancakes!" Scarlett exclaimed.
"We had that yesterday, Scar," Sirius stated.
"Correction. We've had that everyday for the last week," I said.
"How about we just eat Poptarts?" Sirius questioned.
"That sounds good," I sighed.
"You want to go get them?" Sirius asked after a minute of no one moving.
"I was hoping you would," I laughed.
"Get up!" Scarlett giggled.

We all reluctantly went downstairs, Sirius grabbing a shirt on the way out as even if it was September, it was cold.

Sirius grabbed the selection of Poptarts, getting strawberry, chocolate fudge, and brown sugar.

"I'll do strawberry. Scarlett do you want strawberry?" I asked, receiving a nod from her.

So Sirius grabbed two of the strawberry Poptarts, handing me one and opening the other.

"Here you go baby" Sirius laughed as Scarlett reached for the Poptart he was about to give her.

I went to open mine, but was interrupted by the phone ringing.

"I'll get it," I claimed, walking over to the phone we had bought for emergencies, and picking it up.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hello. Is this Clairesse Black? Daughter of Chelsea Bennet?" A woman asked.
"Yes, did something happen to her?" I questioned.

Sirius looked up at the question.

"I'm afraid so. Your mother was admitted to our hospital two hours ago. She had had a heart attack. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but she passed away minutes after being rushed through the doors," The woman sighed.

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