Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love

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Caitlin's P.O.V

                It was great seeing Liz and Julie again. These past two weeks felt like a living hell without having these girls around me. But they are back! And it's going to be such a busy week. First we have the TCA's later tonight and then we have to do some recording things tomorrow for our new NMP. Yes, Dylan has decided that we should do another one. It'll start in September though. Which is only in a week or two.

                We have to record us saying it and what not. Last time we announced it in one of our interviews but since we don't have any scheduled until we get to Australia. So we'll be posting it onto our YouTube channel. I still can't believe how long it's been since we started that channel. We started it when we were on the X Factor. That feels like forever ago. I was nineteen when I auditioned for the X Factor, but I had turned twenty during it. Then I turned twenty one on the Take Me Home tour and now I'll be twenty two in October. It's all going by so fast.

                I still can't believe my little Julie is already twenty. She's so young. A year younger than Liz and two years younger than me. Ha, she's the baby of the group. But she's definitely not the most innocent. I can tell you that. Honestly, Liz is. She's still a virgin while Julie and I aren't. Niall's going to have fun with that one.

"It's so good being back together. I can't wait to go onto the Australian part of the tour. We'll also be recording our second album. Do you think it'll be such a success and so fast like the last one?" Julie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

                We were all hanging out in our hotel room before we had to head over to the arena that the TCA's are going to be held in. O in reality, we were waiting for Dylan to come and pick us up for our sound check. I'm actually really excited for the sound check. We're going to be singing one of our new songs, Ready Or Not. Liz wrote it a few weeks back, along with the other songs we had picked out for our next album.

                Since Julie and I have been here for quite a bit we've already checked out the set design for the TCA's. We've also already caught up with Ben and Gale, which was where we had seen our outfits picked out for tonight. I'm really excited, this is the first time we've been up for an actual award. Well not really, we've won a few awards for Radio Disney and that sort of thing. But now that the Brave album was released Jay Cee El has taken a huge turn, and we are bigger than we'd ever have thought. Obviously I can't say we've made it quite yet, but we are on the road there. At least I hope we are.

"I think it'll be a success. We've been working so hard on it and I think that the fans will love it because it's on a lot more of a personal level. The last album we had help with it but this one we've pretty much written everything. Even the music. I don't know, I think they will love it." Liz said, still lying down on the hotel bed.

                She had decided to share a hotel room with us because we haven't been together for two weeks. Julie felt a bit bad, knowing that Liz likes to share a bed with Niall. I didn't feel bad though. I didn't have any sisters until now and missing them for two weeks was not fun. So yeah, I don't feel bad that they had to sleep in different hotel rooms. Well actually different hotels because he's in a hotel across town. Poor, poor, cute couple. Torn apart because of selfish friends. Ha, that sucks for them.

"Me too, but we should probably get going. Dylan just texted me and he said that he's on his way up. I guess we can go in our pajamas. Oh and Gale also texted me saying there were showers in our dressing room, so we can just shower there." Julie said, pushing the white covers off her body and standing up.

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