Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck

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Julie's P.O.V

                I followed Liz out of the room, smiling after another successful interview. It wasn't as much fun as the last one we did, the one with Sean and those fans. That was defiantly the best interview we've done, but to be honest I love all the interviews we do. This one happened to be a radio interview and we were able to talk to some fans that called in. It was a lot of fun, and some of the questions the fans asked were pretty funny ones. Obviously there were the usual Niz questions along with Cartlin ones. Hell, there was even some questions about Johnny and I. I can't remember the ship name they came up  with for us, but there was some questions about it.

                There were also the usual questions about Ciz. I honestly get why they ship Caitlin and Liz together. It doesn't make sense. But I do admit that I am glad it's not me in that place. I don't know what I'd do. I mean, some of the Ciz stuff is out of control. Dylan's bosses, Nathan and George, had tried to do some damage control by telling us we couldn't be seen together as much as usual. But that's complete bull and we didn't listen. That was actually last year, during the Take Me Home tour.

                But we don't care what the fuck those dipshits say. Sure we are under contract, but that contract didn't say anything about any of us getting shipped together. We haven't signed another one yet, we need to do that in the end of the year. I really hope they won't include that in the contract. I'll be really mad, and I don't know what Liz and Caitlin would do if that were to happen. Liz would probably think it was her fault, and Caitlin would get really mad as well. You may think Caitlin is a sweet girl, but she can be pretty scary when she gets really mad.

"You girls did great!" Dylan said, snapping me from my thoughts. "Alright, now we need to have a little bit of a meeting, both Nathan and George are waiting in the hotel to talk with us all. Don't worry girls, it won't be bad." Dylan said.

                Ugh, speak of the devils. Why don't can't Dylan just talk with them. I don't really like Nathan or George. Don't get me wrong, they are nice guys. I'm sure they've got a nice family as well. But they can be so uptight. It's like... seriously. Go get a drink or something and take that stick out of your ass. I wish I could say that to them. Oh god, the trouble I'd be in if I did say that to them. Oh but it would be so funny. But I don't want Liz or Caitlin to get in trouble for my actions. But man, that would be so fricking funny.

"Okay, then we better get going. I don't want to keep them waiting." Liz said, looking between us. We all seemed to agree and started heading towards the car that would take us back to hotel, which is also where our bus is.

                The drive wasn't long as all. Fifteen minutes at top, which was spent with Dylan warning us about what they could be talking to us about. It was either about the tour, our album, or even our look. They have a say in everything we do which is stupid. Want to know what else is stupid? The girls and I are bringing in all the money, with shows, albums, and blah blah blah. Yet we don't get much say in what we do. I think it's kind of rude and crappy. But this is my dream and the rules aren't that bad, not as bad as some people's. So I probably shouldn't be complaining.

                When we got to the hotel there was a group of fans waiting by the door. I don't know if they know we weren't in the hotel at the time, but I couldn't help but smile when I saw them. Dylan spotted the fans and told us that we have about five minutes to sign things and what not, and then we were off.

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