32. It Was The Water?

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Dick was asleep, and Bruce was watching him. The floor was covered in plastic bubble wrap and numerous pillows, the Dark Knight could only guess what had happened in the three hours that he was gone. The ripped shreds of monopoly money scattered across the game-littered floor gave him clues though.

"Dick, I know you're awake." Bruce sighed, tapping the bird on his forehead.

"Nothing gets past you," Dick groaned, opening his eyes as his father gently took his oxygen mask off.

"I need to talk to you."

"Okay..." The thirteen year old trailed off as he notice Batman's serious expression. "But why so serious?"

The older bat did not look amused. "I'm sure by now you know you're not infected by a common disease."

"Obviously." The boy rolled his eyes. "So, what you hiding pops?"

Bruce frowned. "It's waterborne, basically unheard of and-"

"Wait," Robin cut him off. "It's spread through water?"

They both turned to the water dispenser. "It got here last week or so, M'gaan bought it for the Medbay..." The bird supplied, hoping to erase the confusion he felt radiating off his partner.

"But I haven't drank anything from it." He added just as Batman shot up from his seat and headed towards the water dispenser.

"How sure are you?" Bruce threw him a glance before collecting a sample of the water into a test tube, because carrying test tubes around in case there was something to be scooped up was completely normal, normal for someone in the bat family at least.

"Well, KF gave me water spiked with a sleeping pill... From the infirmary...." The bird trailed off. "Oh..."

"And M'gaan gave him the water." Batman concluded.

"Yeah," Robin answered. "Wait, are you saying this is M'gaan's fault?"

"I intend to find out." The bat growled.


Bruce turned to his little bird. "What Dick?"

"Can I have a lollipop?" He said with sheepish grin.

Batman stared at his son for a good full minute and Robin thought he would say no but a lollipop was sent flying his way.

"How do you even have this?" The thirteen year old gaped at his mentor, catching the sweet before it hit his face.

"Always be prepared, Dick." The Dark Knight said with a perfectly deadpan expression.

"But how does a lollipop even-"

Bruce cut him off, starting his sentence again. "Always,"

"Be prepared." Dick sighed, completing the sentence.

"Good." The hero said, about to walk out the room before he paused. "What happened here?"

"Bird friendly and kick proof." The boy answered nonchalantly.


Before Robin could reply, Batman shook his head. "I don't think I want to know."

Dick shrugged. "I was pretending to be sleeping for a reason."

"Is the pain gone?" Batman asked.

The boy nodded. "Do I still have to wear this oxygen mask?"

"Yes," Batman said pointedly. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, do you have a cup of soup under that cape?" The bird snickered.

Batman walked to his son's side, ruffling his hair as he handed him a cup of soup. "Don't joke with the cape." he said seriously.

"What?" Robin held up the cup to his lips.

"Careful, it's hot." Batman warned.

The boy put the cup down. "Are you serious?"

"Do I joke about hot soup?"

Robin deadpanned. "Where did you get a steaming cup of soup from, Bruce."

"Always be prepared."

Then there was silence.

And more silence.

"Okay." Robin shrugged taking a sip of soup.

"Stay safe." The Dark Knight kissed the boy's forehead.

"You're getting soft." Dick snickered.

"Don't leave this room." The older bat said sternly, about to leave.

"Do you know where Roy is?" Dick asked suddenly, looking up from his soup.


The boy stared at his mentor, forcing him to elaborate.

"With his luck...He's missing an arm." Batman said vaguely, leaving Robin alone in the room, sipping his soup.

"I wonder if he went to the batcave..." Dick frowned. "After what happened last time..." The bird shivered, preferring to keep the memory buried. Buried forever.


I couldn't help myself😌... So here's another update. Batman is freaking awesome But why give Dickie bird more clues about his sickness? Is it because last time Dick fainted because they argued? Is it something else?

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