59. When Roy Calls.

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The question was simple, and the person who asked it was much simpler. "What does heaven look like, Dickie?"

A pause, and then the hum of an electric fan punctuated the reply.

"Are you asking me that because I'm going to die?"

Uncomfortable silence followed the answer and the awkward shuffling of a sniffling thirteen year old became the focus of the ginger haired speedster.

"No," Wally laughed and pinched his friend's cheek. "It's because you look like you fell from heaven, so I was just curious."

Dick rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny."

"Yeah..." Was soft the reply of the ginger haired boy. "Please stop crying."

"I'm trying... It's hard."

"You must hate me."

"What?" Dick shot up, pulling away from his friend's chest to stare into a pair of tired looking green eyes.

"I've made you so sad... You wasted so many tears because of me... I'm sorry."

"It wasn't because of you."

"It is," Wally sighed and looked away. "I said stupid things... Like I always do."

"You don't say stupid things." Dick huffed.

"And I don't believe you."

"No," the boy shook his head, desperation coating his voice. "You've made me happy... Nothing you said was stupid, I mean it."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I..." Dick bit his lip. "I don't know."

"I thought so."

"You.." Dick's reply was cut by a steady but sudden chirping and Wally groaned, his hand slipping into his pocket.

"It's Roy." The sixteen year old announced, holding up his smartphone.

"Answer it." Dick nodded slowly.

Okay then. Wally thought, preparing himself to get yelled at as he slid that shaking green icon, silencing the chirping birds in the background. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you?!"

"Home... Why?" Wally winced and moved the phone away from his ear to protect himself from his elder brother's volume.

"Why? You're not seriously asking me why?!"

Wally set the phone down, slowly counting to ten as Roy ranted before he picked it back up, the other end of the line now silent. "I'm sorry bro, but that hospital room was just too stuffy, you know?" The speedster rolled his eyes then looked at Dick who softly shook his head at his friend's antics. Wally put the phone on loudspeaker and tossed it on Dick's lap, lying back down and draping his arm over his eyes.

"Fine, if you can move then you're obviously okay." The archer sighed.

"Yup, I'm pretty fantastic right now."

"Anyway, that's not why I called."

"Oh," Wally said, a little disheartened. "So you weren't worried about me?"

"Dick's missing."

"Oh..." Wally nodded, rubbing his arm at the spot where Dick just pinched him. "You mean you lost him?!" He yelled in reply, receiving a thumbs up from the thirteen year old.

"Shut up and pass over the phone."

"What do you mean?" Wally's brows raised in confusion as he and Dick shared a look.

"I know he's with you, so don't even try playing dumb." Roy's growl made the speedster and bird freeze.


Oh! Snap!

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