Monday January 2nd, 2017

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Hey guys i'm back! let me know if you have any ideas! Also don't forget to Vote please! - Blaire

Brad and I woke up at 6:30 and went downstairs. Mike made breakfast and we ate before going to open presents. Brad got clothes from his mom, a new light bar from his dad, and new football cleats and gloves from me.

I got a necklace from Brad, clothes from Sarah, and Nike socks from Nike. The socks were a joke from when they accidentally got Brad only socks one year for Christmas. Brad went upstairs and brought down the packages that were sent from Nike and Apple. I opened the big box from Nike first. I pulled out 6 shoe boxes and two regular bags. 4 of the shoe boxes were tennis shoes and then other 2 were cleats. In the two bags were clothes from their new cold gear line they launched in December.

Brad: well I know who to sign with
Me: yeah definitely
Brad: well here is the other one

The box was small but kind of heavy. I opened it and it was a white laptop box from Apple. I opened the box and it had the new MacBook Pro with touch bar. A card fell out and Brad picked it up and read it.

Savannah, we saw you had this on your wish list and here at Apple we like to make wishes come true, especially when you are part of our family. Merry Christmas from all of us here at Apple
- Tom Cook

Me: I was not expecting this
Sarah: I remember you talking about this, how much was it?
Me: well this one specifically is 3,400 since they upgraded everything on it
Mike: they really like you
Brad: who doesn't?
Me: thanks, seriously thank you Mike and Sarah for this morning
Sarah: of course, anytime Savannah

Brad and I picked all of our stuff up and put it away. We had lunch and then Brad drove Duke and I home. I went in and unpacked everything. I put my dirty clothes in the chute and then set up my new computer. Hope facetimed me at 3:30.

Me: hey Hopester
Hope: hey I saw your posts
Me: yeah, I am setting my computer up now.
Hope: what all did you get from Nike?
Me: 6 tennis shoes, 2 cleats, 2 jackets, 4 pairs of leggings, 4 sport bras with matching Nike Pros, 2 tank tops, and 6 pairs of Elite socks.
Hope: like you needed more of any of that
Me: well some of my old stuff doesn't fit anymore?
Hope: too big or to small?
Me: well my leggings were too big and others were just old
Hope: just making sure.
Me: yeah, well I know senior night is on the 30th and I sign the 1st, but the state final if we make it is the 23rd. would you be able to make it?
Hope: I don't know, we will be in Orlando for the She Believes Camp
Me: I know but we could fly back together
Hope: we'll see
Me: alright
Hope: well I am going to shower, so bye Baby Horse
Me: okay bye Hope

I hung up with Hope and finished setting up my computer before taking Duke for a run. I came back and ate dinner. I showered and played Call of Duty for a while. I put in a movie and eventually fell asleep around 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now