Wednesday February 1st

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I woke up at 6 and woke Hope. We both ate and then went to get ready for the day. I put on my Carolina shirt, black leggings, and then blue Nike socks and my white converse. I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag.

Dad: you ready squirt.
Me: yes sir

The three of us plus Duke got in the 4 Runner and I drove us to the school. My dad and Hope went to the field house while Duke and I went to Garvin's.

Garvin: are you excited?
Me: yes, a little nervous though
Garvin: you'll be fine
Me: you're coming, right?
Garvin: yes, Hope and Mrs. Jolie are saving me a seat between them
Me: good
Garvin: well go grade tests so you stop thinking about it
Me: alright

Duke and I went back to Garvin's desk and I graded tests. The bell rang for second hour and my group came in. we all left and went up to the field house. There was a table on each side of the podium. The left side had giant UNC banner behind it and then right was 4 individual banners, Clemson, Vanderbilt, University of Virginia, and LSU. The 8 of us signing line up and went to take our seats. As we did we took off our jackets to revel our shirts. The camera clicks were coming from everywhere. Our principal came up and said a couple things and then our athletic director Coach Garvin came up.

C.Garvin: I am so proud of young, outstanding athletes who are up here today. I'll start with the ones on my left. Jacob Mucker.....Hunter McLeesh. I may not have coached you but watching you play was enough. You grew so much the past 4 years and I am so thankful that you are going to continue to play on the best collegiate baseball team there is. Vanderbilt has gained a wonderful young man.

C.Garvin: Now to my left are the 4 biggest trouble makers I've ever had, no I'm kidding, a little bit. Kiley Brandon watching and hearing you cheer at every game never got old. Your cheerful presence will be missed and I wish you the best at UNC.

C.Garvin: Justin Atker, while I coached everyone I had the ability to personally coach you as a wide receiver and it has been the greatest 4 years of my coaching. I am going to miss you out there on the field. I know you are going to have a great career at UNC so go live it up.

C.Garvin: Man, Brad Evans, I can't believe its time. It seems like just yesterday that you as a 5'11, scrawny, bean pole freshman walked out for the first practice. Somehow in these 4 years you have become the greatest quarterback West Point has ever seen. You have also somehow managed to weasel your way into my family and my boys absolutely love you. This next chapter is going to be a good one, just make sure you come back and see your ole Coach.

C.Garvin: I'm sure who is harder to see leaving Brad or Savannah, but Savannah Solo, where do I even start. I remember seeing you as a freshman being 5'2 and running around to cheer and then soccer and then back to cheer. In these 4 years, all that's changed is that you grew 5 inches and that you've become and extraordinary young woman. You have become part of my family and no matter how hard I try you just won't leave, no in all honesty I wish you the best in the next chapter of your life.

C.Garvin: parents would you come up... I want to thank you all of you for being there and supporting your son or daughter in their sport. We know that without you they would not be where they are today. You can now sign your NLI's.

As we signed the camera clicks went into overdrive. My dad signed and then Hope did. We did interviews and then made our way to the cake table. More pictures were taken as we cut the cake. Other people finished cutting the cake and then handed it out. 20 minutes later everyone was pretty much cleared out. I said bye to Hope and my dad and they went they went to the airport. I went back to Garvin's to get my stuff.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon