Thursday March 23rd

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I woke up at 6 and Hope helped me get dressed. We ate and then Brad came to pick me up.

Hope: remember I am picking you up at 11
Me: I know
Hope: well I will see you later
Me: bye

I got in Brad's truck and we went to school. Garvin and I did my English packet and my math homework. I typed my German translation and then the bell rang.

Garvin: good luck with your appointment
Me: thanks

Hope picked me up and we went to the hospital.

Dr. Sloan: Savannah let's get those casts off.

Sloan took off my elbow cast and then looked at my incision. I had to get x-rays on my shoulder and elbow.

Sloan: well I am going to put a cast back on it. We will start your PT tomorrow on just your shoulder
Me: okay
Sloan: we are also going to keep you in the brace during the day. We will uncast and revaluate next appointment
Me: alright thanks
Sloan: of course, bye Savannah
Me: bye Dr. Sloan

Hope: so, have you talked to your dad?
Me: yeah, he is in D.C. for now before he goes to Germany
Hope: okay, how's your sister?
Me: not sure
Hope: when did you last talk to her?
Me: her mmm
Hope: what was that mumbles?
Me: her wedding
Hope: Savannah Blaire
Me: what it's not like we normally talk anyways
Hope: why not? You are sisters?
Me: we're 7 years apart to begin with, but I was so busy and by the time I was even old enough to I guess make a relationship with her I was 10 and she was headed to college

Hope: I never thought about it that way. Is that what you meant by your paper as a lonely childhood?
Me: you remember that?

Hope: of course, I do SB
Me: anyways yeah, I guess so, I had friends and maids and drivers and Lydia but it's not the same as family. 
Hope: that's true
Me: that's kind of why I guess I clung to you and the gals
Hope: speaking of do you remember anything when you first woke up after surgery?

Me: no why?...

Hope: well you called me mama, more than once
Me: I did?
Hope: yes, and I know that might scare you but no matter what you choose to call me, I won't care
Me: alright
Hope: oh, SB come here

I leaned into Hope and we started season 8 of the TVD. I fell asleep and Hope just played with my hair and read until dinner. We ate and then watched more episodes until we went to bed at 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now