Thursday January 26th

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Cait's alarm went off at 7:30 and all 3 of us got up.

Cait: you are more than welcome to join me on my run if you want
Kiley: I will
Me: I would but I have to meet Anson and I'm sure I'll be with him all day
Cait: alright have a good day
Me: thanks, you too.

Kiley and Cait headed out and I got dressed and grabbed my soccer bag. Anson picked me up at 8.

Anson: morning Baby Horse, have you eaten?
Me: no I haven't
Anson: perfect we can eat before we go see the apartment
Me: okay

Anson drove us to Franklin Street and we ate at Crepe Traditions. We finished eating at 9:30 and Anson and I walked down to the Starbucks.

Manager: Hey I'm Mabel, head manager, you must be Anson and Savannah
Anson: yes, we are
Me: nice to meet you
Mabel: you two can follow me

We went up the stairs and came to a door that looked like a normal door to a house. Mabel unlocked it and then three of is walked in.

Mabel: it's an open studio and there are two entrances. The one we came through and the other is there and it goes to the gated parking lot.
Anson: is it done?
Mabel: almost, all that is left is the bathroom, which is over there. After that we will sign it over to the school
Anson: great thank you. So, Baby Horse do you like it?
Me: I love it. Its big enough for Duke and I, plus it's over the company who endorses me what could be better.
Anson: great well when the paperwork is ready I will let you know
Me: alright
Mabel: oh, uh before you go do you think I could get your signature?
Me: of course, and thank you Mabel.
Mabel: no problem. Bye Anson, bye Savannah

Anson and I left and we went to the McCaskill Soccer Stadium

Anson: have you decided what number you want?
Me: well I was going to say 6 but I saw Taylor Otto had it so what about 13?
Anson: it's yours, I'm sure Alex will like that
Me: I know, I want to surprise her so don't tell anyone
Anson: I won't
Me: thank you
Anson: well your friends will be meeting you at R&R Bar and Grill so you better get going. I will pick you all up after
Me: thank you Anson

I found my way to the restaurant and saw my friends sitting in a booth.

Brad: hey babe how was your day?
Me: good I saw my apartment and chose my number
Kiley: what is it?
Me: 13 but don't tell anyone, I'm going to surprise Alex
Justin: we won't. what did you two do yesterday and where did you stay?
Me: we met the cheer coach, the teams and practiced with them
Kiley: and we stayed in Caitlyn's room at Kappa Delta. What about you two?
Brad: I stayed with Bryn at DKE
Justin: and I was with Zayn at AKA
Kiley: are you going to join a frat, either of you?
Justin: I am
Brad: I might it depend on what my schedule will look like, babe?
Me: It depends, I probably won't have the time.

We ate and talked for about two hours until I saw Anson pull up at 2:30. We piled in and Anson drove us to the Sports Medicine Facility. We went in and Anson led us to an office.

Jackie: hey guys I'm Jaclyn Cordova but you can call me Jackie. I'm the head trainer slash nutritionist here at UNC. So, tell me your names and sports and position.
Brad: Brad Evans, Football and Quarter Back
Justin: Justin Atker, Football and Wide Receiver
Kiley: Kiley Brandan, Cheer and Flyer
Me: and I'm Savannah Solo, cheer, flyer and soccer, forward
Anson: she'll be the project I told you about
Jackie: oh, alright I'm still waiting on your files Savannah but the other three I am currently working on a food plan for you. It will have calorie intakes, expected weight, notes on what you should be eating and when. Now you can choose to opt out after the first two months but if you choose to continue you'll get one every month. And anytime you have questions, need guidance, or need to change something you can come to me

Anson: except Savannah you cannot opt out.
Jackie: that's right I will be working closely with Dawn
Me: okay
Jackie: well the 4 of you fill this out so I can get started on the plans.

The 4 of us filled out a couple papers and gave them to Jackie. It was 4:30 when we left and the 4 of us walked around. Bard and Justin showed us where they were staying. At 6 we went to dinner on Franklin Street and then we went back to where we were staying.

Cait: hey how was your day?
Me: good I got to see my apartment and the soccer locker room.
Cait: wait you're doing cheer and soccer?
Me: yeah
Cait: what's your major?
Me: I'm not sure yet. Either computer science or Zoology
Cait: wow, well what else did you do?
Kiley: we met Jackie and then sports med team
Cait: oh, I opted out of that my freshman year. It was just too much for me.

We talked a while longer and then got ready for bed. We watched Grey's Anatomy and fell asleep around 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now