Monday & Tuesday May 8th & 9th

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I woke up at 8 and ate breakfast. I got dressed and then drove Duke and I to PT.

Parker: still casted?
Me: yeah for the next three weeks
Parker: well let's work on that arm then

Parker hooked me up to the machines and then I did my exercises. Parker put my shoulder brace back on and then set my elbow to 118.

Parker: well I will see you Thursday Morning
Me: you will, are you coming to graduation?
Parker: yes, I am
Me: great, well thank you Parker.
Parker: of course, bye Savannah
Me: bye Parker

Duke and I went back to my house and ate lunch. Brad came over after baseball at 4.

Me: Are you done with your induction?
Brad: almost, what about you?
Me: like halfway
Brad: good, have you talked to Hope?
Me: Not since last Monday
Brad: really? Are you avoiding her?
Me: No, it's just I always miss her calls and she's missed a couple of mine.
Brad: oh well come on I think dinner is ready

Brad and I ate and then watched a movie until we fell asleep. 


Brad and I woke up at 8:30 and ate breakfast.

Brad: do you want to come with me to pick up Hope?
Me: no, it's too much work to just go pick her up
Brad: alright, well I am going to change and get my stuff. Do you want to change too?
Me: nope I'm good

Brad got his stuff and then changed before heading out to get Hope. Brad parked and we to the baggage claim. Hope got her bag and then saw Brad.

Hope: hey it's good to see you
Brad: I'm glad you could make it
Hope: me too

Hope and Brad got in his truck and talked on the way back.

Hope: how has she been?
Brad: frustrated, it's weird not seeing her run around 24/7
Hope: yeah, I know. How was her PT yesterday?
Brad: a little progress, but you know how she is
Hope: impatient

Brad parked and he and Hope got out. As soon as Hope came in I jumped on her.

Me: Hopester!
Hope: geez Baby Horse
Me: how was your flight?
Hope: it was alright, how have you been?
Me: I've been okay
Hope: what are you weighing? You feel light.
Me: 103 but come on lunch is ready

Hope, Brad and I ate lunch and talked.

Hope: how is baseball?
Brad: good, we have the semis and then the final on Friday and Saturday in Sulphur
Hope: oh good
Me: oh we have our first summer plan
Hope: and?
Me: and we are getting Super VIP tickets for the Hangout Fest.
Brad: it's the 19th-21st
Hope: okay how much is it?
Me: $1,600 for each of us
Hope: how many is us?
Me: 6
Hope: seriously 6 times 1,600
Brad: that's only half the full total
Hope: what!
Me: Brad!
Brad: oh well I should go to baseball, bye babe love you
Me: yeah love you too.

Brad left and Hope was staring me down.

Me: yes?
Hope: totally how much is it?
Me: 18,300
Hope: Savannah! Where is the other half coming from?
Me: Kiley's parents, it's for senior trip
Hope: why are you choosing the most expensive one?
Me: number 1 I didn't choose, Kiley did and number 2 please don't take this the wrong way but you don't get it. My friends and I are trust fund babies, we're used to spending tons of money
Hope: you're right I don't get it. Why willing to spend so much money for three days?
Me: why not, I mean spend the money and you get better condo, better food, and better seats,
Hope: well I'm glad it's not my money being spent
Me: well I need to go work on my speech
Hope: can I hear it?
Me: when I'm done
Hope: alright

Brad came back for dinner at 6:30 but then went to his own house. Hope and I watched a movie and then went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now