Monday March 13th

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Hope woke me up at 6. We ate and then Hope helped me get dressed.

Hope: do you think John would be willing to train me?
Me: definitely, I'll text him, what time did you want to go?
Hope: 8?
Me: I'll ask and then let you know
Hope: okay thank you, Brad's here

Brad came in and got my bag for me. He helped me into his truck and drove us to school. We went to Garvin's.

Garvin: hey Bernard said she would be sending work down for you.
Me: great
Brad: I'll go get it

Brad left and then came back with a whole packet.

Me: she knows I can't write, right?
Brad: yeah, I told her
Me: alright well you better go before she gets mad
Brad: yeah, see you next hour
Me: bye

Brad left and Garvin started her lesson. I flipped through the packet and there was nothing I could do my own. I saw that John texted back and said that he would be more than willing to train Hope. I told her and gave her John's number. Garvin finished her lesson and came back to me.

Garvin: don't you have a packet?
Me: yeah, one that I can't do.
Garvin: do you know the answers?
Me: yeah, I just can't write them
Garvin: you talk, I'll write

In the next 15 minutes, we got 3 pages done. Second hour started and Garvin taught the lesson and then helped me finish the last 4 pages of the packet. For third hour, I was able to type the translation and email it to Mr. Smith. When third hour ended Brad drove me home. We ate lunch with my dad and Hope.

Dad: Brad, I hear you're playing baseball again
Brad: yes sir
Dad: when's your next game?
Brad: Thursday and Friday at 5:30
Dad: well I might come to one
Me: when do you have to report back?
Dad: next Monday

We finished eating and then I watched Netflix with Brad until he left for baseball. I watched a couple more episodes and then had dinner.

Me: so, Hope when are you leaving?
Hope: the 30th when I go to Dallas
Me: oh okay
Hope: yeah, do you have any homework?
Me: no
Hope: well how is your arm feeling?
Me: it hurts and my shoulder is stiff
Hope: it'll get better
Me: I know

We finished dinner and then I watched Netflix until I fell asleep. Hope carefully carried me to my room and then fell asleep herself. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now